Sunday, June 30, 2013

They are not as different as the government want you to believe

Hi, I hope you like this futuristic love story. It a lovely story about inequality on Mars androids being treated like property and not like humans and much like the gay community in our world they are not allowed to get married or have the same rights as humans. I think people getting mistreated just cause they are different than others and are in the minority of people is wrong. All people are created equal in the eyes of God and should be allowed to have all the same rights and privileges of others.

Seventeen-year-old Retta Heikkinen is in love with a boy. He is completely gorgeous, captivating, and mysteriously named Hemingway. The situation is rather ideal that he likes her, and she likes him. There's just one little problem. He's a blue heart, an android.

Being in a relationship is its own complicated mess, but how long can a forbidden love last? Soon Retta discovers a secret that could destroy the uneasy truce between the blue hearts and humans, which makes life under the domes on Mars possible. Would expose what she knows to make things better or worse? And how can she know for certain without exposing the secret?

Retta and Hemingway are forbidden by the government to be together as a couple because he is an android and she is a human. Living on Mars can be difficult especially for the androids who are treated as second class citizens and even property of Synlife. Retta meets Hemingway at the coffee shop she works at and she was so in awe of how good looking he was and fell in love with his eyes that have galaxies in them. Retta's mom died when many years ago leaving Retta and her younger sister Marta to be raised by her father. Retta's father a botanist is not happy when she brings Hemingway home and finds out he is an android he wants to be his mother and is very vocal about his views on the subject but since his daughter is going to 18 he cannot say much. Their relationship does not get off the ground at first since Hemingway breaks up with her saying that it is too dangerous for them to be together bad things will happen to them. 

Retta of course is devastated and does everything she can think of to try to get over him and learn more about androids and why humans treat them so badly. With the help of her friend Mei they break into and find out some important info about the androids and that their hearts are not really blue but red like humans that it was a lie told to make them seem just like machines. Soon a person calling himself The Voice is calling for a revolution for androids and humans to rise up and get equal rights for androids all over Mars and stop being treated like property and just machines. With this news, many people come out as being androids since there is not an easy way of telling who is one unless you can spot their tell. 

So it turns out Retta's teacher Dr. Craspo and one of the high officials in the government comes out as being an android. Retta finds out that the government wants to send a lot of the androids away to start colonizing another planet for humans to go live on but they are not going to ask for volunteers they will force them to leave their homes and families. The end of the year dance soon arrives and Retta has no one to go with and does not ever really want to be there but she hopes to see Hemingway she just can't stop thinking about him, but when he shows up with a date another android she crumbles and runs away. She ends up in the industrial district called the vents and gets attacked and almost raped by an android when Hemingway comes up and saves her.  

He takes her home and his mom helps her. Retta and Hemingway are left alone and start kissing but soon break it up and she asks about the girl and she says she is like him and safe and will not get hurt if they are together. Retta does not like his answer and runs home. The school year is ending and Mei tells Retta she should let Hemingway know what the found out from Synlife so she calls him and asks him to meet her at the coffee bar. When she tells him the news he is upset that she broke into the building saying they were dangerous people they decide that for him not to be taken away they need to run away together and deliver her information to the Voice. 

They travel to New Tokyo where they will stay awhile, but since it mostly Japanese Colony they stick out in the crowd. They were told by the voice to meet someone named Masumi Kim, but the Information Recovery Services(IRS) bet them there and erased his memory and are soon after them and they run away from the agents. When they are in their hotel room he tells her about a ceremony the blue hearts perform when they want to get married because by law they are not allowed to do it legally. She agrees to marry him and the both say some kind of vows from their heart. They visit a wind garden but those IRS agents find them and they are on the run again. They get to the train station and head to New Sydney. 

Since Retta has been posting pro-android equal rights type stuff on her website the IRS were after them. They really want Hemingway but since she broke into their facility they wanted to arrest her too. She gets a message from her dad about her sister Marta being sick and he asks if they should go back to see Retta's family. After they spent the day in the city Hemingway bought tickets to take them back to New Helsinki so Retta could go see what was wrong with her sister he also bought tickets to New Hyderabad. When they got back Hemingway went to meet his mother and Retta went to the hospital and she found out her sister was dying something was wrong with her heart the doctors were basically not doing anything but letting her die since they do not have many donors available to give heart transplants. 

Her father was not happy to find out Retta married Hemingway he did not see the androids the same way as her he thought they were freaks and just machines. Then they got together with both their parents and talked about the situation they told Sonja Hemingway's mom all they learned about the androids being sent away. She did tell them that Synlife technically owned the androids. Retta had come up with a brilliant idea of how to help her sister and ask Sonja for her help. Retta asks if an android heart could be put into a human since it uses human blood and she said yes but Retta would have to break into Synlife again and steal one. So Retta and Mei once again went to Synlife but Sonja helped them so they did not have to break in saying they were there to visit a relative. 

The plan worked for the most part but Retta almost got caught but Mei was the distraction and lured the guards away from Retta so she could escape. She got to the hospital and Sonja had found a doctor willing to do the surgery, but it was going to be tough to convince Marta and her father. He would not want his daughter to be a cyborg and be part android but he soon agreed because he did not want her to die she was scared about the surgery but she wanted to live. She went back to the apartment and found Hemingway and told him all that had happened and he said he had finished the Holo-documentary he was working on. Soon there was a knock at the door the IRS had found them again and took him away. She had to find out where they were holding the androids so she went to talk to Mei's father who is a member of the Parliament and on the committee that cooperates with the Unified Martian Government.  

They got me out of Synlife and they ask her father where the took all the androids he did not want to tell them but Retta explained she was in love with one, married him, and needed to find him. He tried to tell them the androids were owned by the government and could do what they wanted with them, but Retta insisted they were not so different than humans. So he reluctantly told them where to go Space Gate 11 they also asked him to broadcast the documentary. At the gate, tons of people were there waiting to get on flights to go on vacations or just leave the planet we're talking about what they just saw and Retta got up on a container and began talking about the blue hearts and telling the people that they were being held in the space gate and they needed to stand up to the government and have them release the androids the abducted. It took a lot of begging and pleading to reason with the people but they decided to not let this injustice continue. 

They all stormed the warehouse shouting "Free the androids. The children of Mars." They took the agent's weapons and threatened them and they did not fight back and the opened the doors and released the androids. When she found Hemingway she hugged him and they kissed. 

The epilogue of course Marta lived and she was faster and stronger than before since she was part android and a hybrid. Hemingway and Retta had their own apartment and there was a new vendor set up shop with a sign that said"Android-grown Coffee beans." Retta's Dad say the sign and was not impressed he still did not too pleased about androids showing who they were and being part of society. I hope there is a sequel to this book I'd love to see continue on with Retta's and Hemingway Journey and see how Marta adapts to her new heart. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Negative words hurt so watch what you say and don't be afraid to ask for help.

I hope you enjoy this blog and please click on the ads on the page. I'd love for you all to comment and leave me feedback about my blog telling me what you like about it. What I need to improve on or even a book review suggestion. Also, sorry my post has been sparse I'll try my best to keep them going out at a more steady pace.

Kayla Marlowe is slowly vanishing.
Last year, Kayla’s world imploded. Her beloved father died, leaving her alone with a vain mother who is quick to criticize her daughter’s appearance. During her winter break from college, Kayla’s dangerous obsession with losing weight begins.

Kayla feels like her world changes for the better overnight. Being skinny seems to be the key to the happiness she has desperately been seeking. Her mother and friends shower her with compliments, telling her how fantastic she looks. Kayla is starving, but no one knows it.

Cameron Bennett burst into Kayla’s life. He’s sexy and kind he has every quality she has been looking for in a guy. As Cameron grows closer to Kayla and learns of how far she’s willing to go to stay thin, he becomes frantic to save her. Kayla’s struggles with anorexia and bulimia reach a breaking point and she is forced to confront her body image issues in order to survive. She wonders if Cameron could be the one to help heal her from the pain of her past.

This story shows how people's words really can hurt other people and Kayla had not got over the death of her father. Kayla's mom told her most of her life she was fat and unattractive and needed to lose weight. When she finally did lose some weight her friends and mother were happy for her, but it made Kayla miserable because she thought she had to keep losing weight and started to hate food not eat right and she even resulted in vomiting up her food after eating so she would not gain it back. She did not confine in anyone about her problems until it was too late and she ended up in the hospital and has to go to a rehab facility to get help. 

Kayla a Journalism major could not see how she was treating her body so bad she even turned to the wrong kind of help on the Internet people telling her ways to hide her problems and how to make her feel bad about herself by looking at pictures of super-thin models. 

Body image is such an integral part of our lives and young girls get the wrong message shoved down their throats and in their faces. We should be proud of our bodies and learn how to control our weight in safe and healthy ways. With so much obesity going on in this country it no wonders girls have problems dealing with how the look. Everyone is so worried about what others will think it says if they are seen looking a certain way that others don't like. 

Karla finds love in this book with a guy named Cameron who works to get College Students to get credit cards. She can't figure out why he likes her and wants to date her. She tries very hard to keep her illness a secret from him. Cameron and her sister soon find out that she has not been eating and starving herself. They try to help her but she doesn't want their help she gets upset at them for not understanding how she feels and just trying to fix her and make her fat. Their intentions are good but she has to hit rock bottom before she can get the help she needs. 

Cameron and Kayla both have a younger sister Cameron's sister Scarlett and Kayla's is Lila. When Cameron Finally met Kayla's family her mom tried to flirt with him but when he stood up to Charlotte about how she was treating her daughters she did not like him anymore. She could not see how her words were hurtful and not helpful. It went a bit better when Kayla met Cameron's family. His sister Scarlett did warn Kayla not to break his heart because someone already done that before, which turns out to be his mother who was a drug addict and abandoned him. 

Like many stories, an old girlfriend shows up or hangs around and when Kayla sees her at Cameron's apartment she jumps to the wrong conclusion like books and movies tend to do, and the injured party runs away without listening to the whole story and find out the truth. Kayla also gets a scare about being pregnant since her period was late due to how much weight she had lost. Her problem gets so bad she moves in with one of the girls she been talking to online who also had anorexia and did not tell anyone where she was. 

She saw how her friend looked and could not believe how skinny she was but this girl was not her real friend because when Kayla got too bad and passed out in the shower her friend Marti and her boyfriend just dumped her on the doorstep of the hospital. So that when Kayla had to finally face the facts that she needed help but it took her a few days to figure that out because when she saw they were giving her fluids in her IV she was still worried about how many calories she was taken in even though she was basically skin and bones. 

Her fear of getting fat was totally irrational and she desperately needed help. Kayla was diagnosed as being anorexic and bulimic and also a body dysmorphic disorder. She went to rehab at first she did not think she could handle it the stomach pain and the urge to throw up overwhelmed her. It also hurt Kayla to be away from Cameron for months but she had to do this by herself soon she was handling the program and felt up to writing Cameron a letter after he sent her one. She got to be good friends with her roommate in April.

Once she got out of rehab she went back to college and one of her roommates Brittany. When she saw Cameron at his apartment for the first time in many months it was like coming home the hug and kissed and she even made him dinner. They enjoyed each other's company. Kayla's parting words are "Having an eating disorder was an ugly thing, but I had survived it. I didn't become a tragedy, a warning to girls of what happens when you starve yourself for beauty. In the end, I'd chosen love."    

Monday, June 10, 2013

Can she give the man she loves who lost his memory another chance

Hi, hope you enjoy this blog, and please click on the ads on the sidebar and at the bottom of the page past the blog posts.

 Sam wakes up in the hospital expecting to find his girlfriend by his bedside. Instead, he finds a blond diva, claiming to be his fiancée, hovering over him. When he learns that he's just woken up from a coma and has lost the last three years of his life, any semblance of stability he thought he had fallen down around him. All he wants all he needs is Lil.

After numerous visits with her shrink and too many sleepless nights waiting for the one man she loves to walk back through the door, Lil wants nothing more than to separate herself from the life she used to have. But the moment Sam smiles at her, Lil knows it's going to take more than self-restraint to stay away. Sam is fighting to regain his memory and the one thing in his life that felt real. A modern-day Samson and Delilah, it's a look at what it means to love and be loved, and to fight through it seems hopeless.

Sam and Lil were going to live together in a house they bought but things happened and they split up. The story starts three years later with Sam in a condo with his fiancée Chloe who happens to be his boss's daughter. He works for a big gaming company called Titan. Something happened over these years and he lost his girlfriend and alienated his two best friends, he uses to work with testing the video games to become an executive in an office. His life seems all roses until one day he is late for work and slips on some black ice hits his head and forgets the last three years of his life. His family doesn't like who he has become because basically, Chloe looks down on them for not being rich and sophisticated like her. 

Sam thinks it the day after he and Lil bought the house so when Chloe shows up at the hospital he has no clue who she is and wants to see Lil. Lil on the other hand has had a hard time dealing with the last three years having to go to therapy to deal with why Sam left her after they lost their baby. She works as a photographer with her best friend Ellie taking graduation pictures, weddings, etc. When she finds out Sam is in the hospital and she was the only one that could help him Lil was very shocked.

Lil got to the hospital Sam's Father and Brother were there and they explained to her with the doctor that Sam was not dying but he has amnesia and lost the last three years of memories. They say the condition is not permanent and he should get his memory back but don't know how long it will take. His family tried telling him he is no longer with Lil but Chloe he can't remember or accept that.  

She walked into his room a bit scared and not sure what to say to him he tells her what he last remembers and how he did not know why Chloe was in his room. He asked her what happened between them how they could go from being so in love to worlds apart. She did not answer but tried to run out of the room but the doctor came in and started asking Sam all these questions that she had not answered for him yet. Sam and Delilah (Lil) started arguing about her not telling him the painful story and him not understanding what happened.  She told Sam she could not help him and it was better if she just left she walked out and did not look back even though all three men were calling her name.

Sam was confused even more after she left his mind kept racing to try to think what could have happened he asks his dad if he cheated on her he said no but would not tell him what did happen that it was Lil place to discuss that but how when she won't talk to him. He gets to go home soon but he did not know he lived in a condo and turned his back on everyone he uses to love that he changed. 

Lil was upset and confused that Sam did not know that they were not together anymore she called the office to tell Ellie to cancel her appointments then called her therapist to set up a visit and she was waiting for Lil. Lil told her all about the hospital visit and asked why she has to be the one to help him and not Chloe why wasn't she even there. 

I for one don't like Chloe she is a self-centered little daddy's girl that gets everything she wants and I don't think she even loves Sam or she wouldn't have gone off and left him alone to deal with this while she planned their wedding. She would have stayed there and done her damnedest to help him remember her if she really loved him. 

Doctor Kingston ask Lil to put herself in his shoes how would she feel if she had been the one to lose her memory. The doctor encourages her to talk again with Sam to help him remember not just for his benefit but her own it might help her heal a bit and get closure. After Sam got out of the hospital he took a drive and ended up in front of Lil's cottage. He met Zach Ellie's boyfriend but at first, he thought he was Lil's. Zach and Ellie left so Sam and Lil could talk she agreed to help him and apologized for how she acted at the hospital. He explained how he did not like his condo or his job and that his friends Kane and Abe don't like him anymore and haven't talked to him or Lil since they broke up. He started to leave knowing he probably should not of come in the first place but she asked him to stay cause it looked like he was not sleeping well at all. 

So they started seeing each other every now and then agreed to go buy a tree together like they use to do. She also agrees to talk to Kane and Abe to try to find out why they stopped being friends with Sam. Chloe called and said she wasn't coming back yet but Sam really did not care and would not marry her if he did not get his memory back.

Lil knew where to find Kane and Abe at the mall so when she found them they were surprised to see her. They told her why they had the falling out with Sam and she told them that he did in fact lose his memory. Sam was in his condo trying to remember anything and clean up a bit when he found a box with a bracelet in it and he knew that he was supposed to have given to Lil for Christmas. He had a meeting with his boss telling him not worry about work and to get his memory back soon and if he broke Chloe's heart his job and condo would be gone but, Sam did not care he did not remember loving Chloe who only thought of herself and thought her father was a viper.

He decided to visit an old hang out Rusty's Bar when he entered the owner remembered him and told him Kane and Abe were there he walked over and started talking to them it was a bit awkward at first, but he asked them to forgive him and they did. He asked them what happened between him and Lil but they would not tell him just said he walked out on her. Sam and Lil went to the Christmas lot and Lil was a bit apprehensive since after she broke up with Sam she had a one night stand with Toby Grayson the nephew of the man who owned the tree lot. 

Lil ran into Toby and when Sam saw them together he was not happy he told Toby to leave her alone but Toby said if Sam ever hurts her again she can come back to him she was not upset that Sam called her his girlfriend she just let Toby think they were back together. Sam took her to the tree he found and they went home. The tension was strong Sam said he was going to leave and Lil said your not gonna ask about Toby? They started to argue and she told him Toby was there when he wasn't and Sam asks why. They argued about whose fault it was that they broke up but since he did not know he was in the dark. They both said mean things to each other. Sam said Chloe did not cause their problems but later they find out in a roundabout way she had a hand in it because when Ellie called his office to tell him that Lil was in the hospital losing their baby Chloe took the message but never gave it to Sam. 

Sam leaves the house mad and drove to Rusty's and Kane and Abe happened to be there too. Sam told them he found out Lil and Toby had a one night stand they were shocked since they did not know they got upset that he just left her again after talking some sense into him Sam left and went back to Lil's He said he was sorry to her many times and then kissed her before leaving. They planned to decorate the tree the next night this event went well they felt a bit comfortable around each other and the ended up kissing again.   

They were decorating the tree and he pulled out an ornament of a pewter rattle and was confused she say him holding and knowing what he might be thinking and she told him that the baby was his, not Toby's. They sat down and she told him the story of how they lost their baby. He told her he had planned on asking her to marry him but did not remember if he even bought a ring. Lil showed him the sonogram picture. They hugged each other and stayed like that all night on the couch. The next morning her water would not turn on and she forgot to winterize her pipes Sam called his dad to come to fix it. They went out to Rusty's that night and the whole gang was there Kane, Abe, Zach, and Ellie they sat down and all started talking laughing, and having fun like they use to. 

The next night was Sam's dad's Christmas party they planned to go together. he found out why his brother was mad at him and was upset that he could treat them that way. They got home and she told him she still loved him and they went to the bedroom and made love. When the clock struck midnight Sam got off the bed and gave her a box she opened it and found a bracelet he told her how he found it and somehow knew it was for her. She then got off the bed and then gave him the gift she had for him a rabbit's foot they said Merry Christmas and went to sleep.

He woke up the next morning and all his memories flooded back to him but he did not want to ruin their day so he did not tell Lil about this until later. He was worried about how she would react if Sam told her right away about the memories coming back. They went over to Ellie's for Lunch and Sam knew he has to call off his wedding. He let the cat out of the bag unintentionally to Ellie in the kitchen while doing the dishes. She got angry with him for not telling Lil and told him his options of course he knew what he was going to do but will Lil listen to him. 

When they got home he told her he got his memory back she felt like she was going to be sick. Lil did not even let him explain then his phone started to ring. She just said well you better tell Chloe or she asked did you already tell her and he said he had not told Chloe anything. Lil told him he had to go and get back to his fiancée and that she had helped him and was done. He left and went back to his condo and told Chloe the good news but he did not want to be there he wanted to be with Lil. 

Sam was glad he has a day to think before Chloe could get home he has a lot of questions to ask her and wondered how he really ended up. He tore his condo apart looking for anything that was him he found a box tucked away far back of a drawer and found the engagement ring he bought Lil the same day he got the bracelet. When Chloe came to him he held her at arm's length saying they needed to talk and he asks her all kinds of questions about why they don't spend time at his father's house and why they only hang out with her friends. He did not like her answers they made him angry and told her he needed time. 

Sam and Lil both had appointments to meet their therapists. They told them that Sam got his memory back and said how they felt about it. Sam tells his dr. that he does not like the man he has become because he does not care about anything and he turned his back on his family and friends and on Saturday everything would change. Lil was unhappy that Sam left she missed him she was about the leave the shop when Chloe walked in thanking her for helping Sam get his memory back. Lil thought this met he had chosen Chloe over her and got his normal life back but that not exactly how it plays out.

Sam ask Ellie for help to win back Lil and Kane and Abe both said they would help too. On Saturday Sam pretended he was going to get married he went to the church and found Chloe and said they needed to talk. He asks her about when she took the message for him when Lil was at the hospital losing the baby. He got mad at her for not giving him the message she was shocked to hear he and Lil were going to have a baby. She tried to play it off saying Ellie did not say he was needed at the hospital but he knew she would have said it was an emergency. He was mad she did not tell him and ruined his life making choices for him and using him. He and told her that the wedding was off. Then he ran into Jonah Miles Chloe's father and told him the same news and that he quit and so do Kane and Abe. Sam did not care about keeping his job or his condo. Johan was not happy about this news but Sam stood his ground.

Ellie had to ask Lil to spend New Year's Eve at Rusty's with the gang but she did not want to go instead she had her own plans. After he left the church he went over to Rusty's to put his plan into action but when he got a call from Kane saying thy tried to keep there  but she left. Sam knew he had to find her they said she went down to the river and he knew where she be and this would work out better than proposing in a bar. Lil was at the cove setting up her camera. Sam arrived thinking she be with another man but it was just her camera. He told her he was looking for her and wanted to explain and told her he did not marry Chloe because he was in love with her and only wanted to be with Lil. He told her how he felt when they lost the baby and how he shut her out of his life and faded away. He felt trapped when he got together with Chloe and did not know how to leave. Sam said he never stopped loving her and told her she messed up his plan by leaving the bar. He told Lil he quit his job with Kane and Abe and they are gonna start their own company. He finally pulls out the ring box but a ring was not inside the plane tickets were he ask her to go away with him so they could make new memories together and told her he loved her ever since college. 

She said I thought you were gonna ask me to marry you saying it with sadness. He said it would happen on their trip. They tell each other I Love You and kiss and he says he needs a place to stay and Lil says you have a couch available jokingly. Through all of that hardship Samson (Sam) and Delilah (Lil) were able to get back to each other and start their love affair all over again and make it last forever. 


Hi all sorry I been gone for a while been trying fig out what to do with this blog. I have been trying to work on my book idea more but slow...