Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Discussion Questions Answered for Pentimento by Cameron Jace.

Pentimento a dystopian Beauty and the Beast book. Here are my answers to the questions my opinion about the book and questions it makes you think about. 

1. Why does the Beast/Masters care about Earth and do they have any ulterior motives?
I think the beast is there on Earth to truly give humans a second or third chance to redeem themselves, but I do think maybe the beast have their own selfish reason why they are helping maybe their curiosity of the human race got the best of them.  

2. How can you tell the difference between reality and a dream and what is Pentimento?
This is a question we all try to answer to know if the life we are living in is real or fake. We need a balance to help us function properly. You can do all kinds of strange and weird things in dreams that are not possible in reality such as flying and you don't feel pain while dreaming. Also, dreams really don't have a beginning you wake up in the middle of it, and yes sometimes if you have lucid dreams you can control what happens in it. But it still not real because dreams are just 

3. Why did Iris have so much trouble seeing the real truth or did she?
I'm not too sure why Iris had a hard time realizing that the stars were not real and that the beast was not ugly but beautiful. She did not tell anyone that she did finally in fact realize she is the ugly one and the stars are not stars at all. She was so adamant at wanting to find the truth, but she already thought she knew the truth so it was hard for her to get rid of the preconceived notions she had in her mind.  

4. Why does the Beast choose not to communicate with the people of Earth, and why don't they just remove the false reality from their minds?
I'm not sure about this question I guess it like a doctor's oath to do no harm so the choice not to tell humans anything about them and let humans come up with the one conclusions about who and what the beast is. I guess the beast wants humans to have their free will intact, but yet because of the eye implant technology humans free will of seeing the truth was taken away. 

5. An open-ended question, with whatever answer you think. Will Colton and Iris be able to be together?
I sure hope that they will be able to find each other and be together, but will Colton be sent up to the beast ship or will they send Iris back down to the Second. I think since Andre loves her so much he will not allow Iris to go back to the Second so Colton will have to find her on the ship. Well, I'm not the Author Cameron Jace and only he can really give us the answer to this when and if he writes a second book. 

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Hi all sorry I been gone for a while been trying fig out what to do with this blog. I have been trying to work on my book idea more but slow...