Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Still need help with medical bills

Update: I just got my medical hospital bill in and it is a lot over 21,000 dollars. So my crowd funding campaigns, if I raise all the money will only cover a third of this and half if both get the full amount so I need all your help spread the world and donate even if it is just $1 or $5 dollar ever little bit helps. 

Hi all I set up this gofundme campaign to raise money for my medical bills and to get an adjustable bed also now since I was in the hospital our normal monthly bills have gotten behind. So I need your help. Here is the situation:

As a substitute teacher, I am very passionate about children. I loves helping their minds grow and learn. I am also an advocate for animals and the environment and believe more should be done to take care of them for future generations. My husband has severe muscular dystrophy and I am passionate about taking care of him, too. I have such a big heart and very concerned with the well-being of others, but now I have my own medical problems to worry about. The morning of July 1, I woke up at 5 am with an uncomfortable pain in my stomach. I spent the next 4 hours trying to remedy it: going to the bathroom, taking an acid reflux pill, and laying back down. Nothing worked. With the help of my husband I went to the emergency room. Doctors found dangerously high blood pressure and a pulse rate at 156, so they ran many tests for my heart. After much time passed and they still paid little attention to the pain in her abdomen, my husband and I finally got them to perform a CT scan. They discovered acute appendicitis and scheduled me for immediate surgery.

I am very thankful that my situation is only temporary, but for the time being, it has made things nearly impossible. I am most frustrated that I can’t provide my husband with the care he needs. A friend has been staying with us to help him when I can’t, and they also have a home healthcare provider who pitches in some days. Taking care of him would be much easier if we could afford an adjustable disability assistance bed for him to raise himself up. Unfortunately, coming up with the money is impossible because neither of them can work. We have been struggling for years and always wonder where their next meal is coming from. We need money for medical bills and an adjustable bed. This scary health issue has made me realize that if anything ever happened to me, my husband would be on his own. With your help, we will be able to cover at least some of our medical costs, and put money towards investing in a disability assistance bed. If you could help us out, like you do for so many other people we would very much appreciate it.

Monday, July 6, 2015

I need help paying Medical bills and getting a Adjustable Bed

Hi everyone I don't know when I will get back to posted blogs. I just had surgery on July 1, 2015 to remove my appendix and I no insurance to pay for my bills that will be arriving soon. Here is the story and situation. 

I woke up at 5 am on July 1st with pain in my lower stomach around to my lower back it felt dull and crampy  I went to the restroom to see if that what it was nothing happened so I went back to sleep. I took a gerd pill (acid Reflux) at 7am to see if that was problem, but by 8am most lower pain was gone but it moved up to chest with heartburn and then had sharp pain by my right hip about 9 am starting feeling nauseous. So we went to the ER there my heart rate was sky-high over 150 so doctors focused on that problem for about 3hrs not listening to me say I had pain on my lower right side. Finally they took me to get a CT scan and found that I had acute appendicitis so I had to have surgery and it was open not laparoscopic so longer recovery time. 

This has put a stain on my Husband who i handicapped and now I can't help him with some things he needs. Most important is rolling over and sitting up in bed. So we have started this GoFundMe campaign to raise money for my medical bills and to buy us a new Adjustable bed to allow my husband and myself lift us up to sitting position and our queen bed we have now is several years old. I'm asking all of you to go visit the link below and donate to our cause every dollar will help. 

Go Fund Me 

This bed or at least one like it will be what at least half the money will go toward other for my Medical bills that I have yet to find out how much will be. 

Need new Bed

Okay all if you do no want to send money through that campaign you can send me the money directly from paypal my email address for that is

I've received two donations so far thank you to those two people and keep them coming. 


Hi all sorry I been gone for a while been trying fig out what to do with this blog. I have been trying to work on my book idea more but slow...