Wednesday, September 29, 2021


Hi all sorry I been gone for a while been trying fig out what to do with this blog. I have been trying to work on my book idea more but slow going. Covid has really messed me up not been able to work since it started and getting low on funds quickly so need to find a way to make money again. Anyway I hope to be reviewing books again soon Ty.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Branching out Adult Content :)


Hi, all well since this blog not going so good I decided to branch out. I can't get viewers here for various reasons I went to something else. So not sure you all heard of a site that got popular because of the global Pandemic called OnlyFans. It a video and picture posting site kinda like Youtube but different in that you mostly girls can show more adult content such as naked pics and videos. Many people think it is a porn site and yes you can find that type of stuff there it is not strictly porn. Many other types of people use it writers, doctors, chefs, fitness people, musicians, etc. 

So I started one of my own a few days back here is the link. cum check it out. It only got a few posts so far but working on it. So if you want to see pics of a sexy lady go sign up. Most of my content is free right now to gain subs and all, but I will be charging a monthly fee soon price to be anywhere from $4.99 up to $8.99. Most girls charge a lot more per month but have more content and ways to promote such as youtube channels and a big Instagram following. 

So anyway come check out my site sign up and I'll see ya there and always tips are very appreciated. 

Saturday, March 13, 2021


Been really struggling to produce content for this blog. Not reading full books right now. Reading books more on story apps that releaase chapters out every day. So it harder to review them. Plus with all issues of my traffic not being tracked anymore when I know I have people viewing my site. Google would not approve my blog for ads yet I get emails saying get them. I'll try to fig out what to do maybe find a new place to put up my blog post. Or branch out and talk about others things beside books.


Hi all sorry I been gone for a while been trying fig out what to do with this blog. I have been trying to work on my book idea more but slow...