Sunday, March 24, 2013

What Happens to the Human Spirit after Death

This is my 4th blog post about a book series that shows what happens after humans die. I hope you like it and please leave a comment.  

Afterlife box set

by Willow Rose

Book 1 - BEYOND

Meghan is 16 when she dies when she wakes up on a flying steamboat on her way to a school run by Angels in a castle. On the boat, she meets Mick who has been dead for a hundred years but still looks like a teenager. He helps her with the tough beginning of school in a new world filled with magic. One day some of Meghan's roommates find a mirror in the cellar of the school and they convince her to go through it with them knowing it is against the rules. Meghan ends up back on earth where she meets Jason, but he is in danger and Meghan knows something important that is a matter of life and death for Jason. Soon she is forced to choose between the two worlds. The one she belongs to now and the one she left.


It is Meghan's second year at The Academy. While trying to help and care for Jason on earth she is struggling to keep up in school, where this year will learn both to ride Pegasus and fly through harsh storms. Meanwhile Mick is becoming more than a friend to her and soon she finds herself facing the inescapable choice, but something evil is threatening the students at the Academy. Meghan is no longer safe within the walls of the castle. Some of the students get caught in the middle of a nightmare, that they can't wake up from and they might have a traitor in their school.


Meghan's training at the Academy is coming to an end. Everything is going great as she comes closer to graduation and is engaged in going to get married. The wedding is near when she hears some disturbing news that makes her rethink her future. In class, the students are learning to catch dreams and fly with the speed of light. Meghan soon learns her extraordinary talents and that she is much stronger than she thought. But alas that doesn't help her as she faces the truth about her own death, which will be revealed to her at the end of the year. 

I totally loved these books it gives a new spin on what we as humans think about the afterlife. Humans had to learn how to live as spirits and not think like a human anymore and not remembering your life until after you graduated from this school is a bit nerve-racking for some of the people. But knowing that spirit can fall in love and have kids goes against everything as a Christian, I have been told that just doesn't happen according to the bible. And the whole crying and being sad and nervous all the bad emotions still existing seems interesting but the bible says there will be no crying in heaven but the people at the school are technical not in heaven yet so it is possible that they still exist.

People are always going to fascinated with life after death since no one really knows what happens to our souls when we die until it happens. Some people have near-death experiences and describe what they felt like but there are no guarantees with accuracy about heaven. So we're left to come up with our own stories and explanations. Totally can't wait to read the last book. 

I know that once we die we will be in a better place filled with love and joy with no pain or sorrow and get to see God, Jesus the family members we once loved. Will we eat food or have to learn how not to think like a human. I don't know but, that why it is scary and wonderful at the same time the mystery of not knowing what is beyond life when we die. 

Thank you for taking me on this journey. Please everyone read this and make a comment about anything so we can start a decision about these things. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Things are not always what they seem

This is my 3rd blog post I hope you like it and please please leave a comment about anything regarding the page. Of course, all posts may contain spoilers. Please if you can leave a comment about the page. 

"The PERCEPTION Series books (SF/mystery/romance) are Young Adult novels that take place in the not too distant future in a world changed by climate extremes, natural disasters, and impending wars, and where scientific breakthroughs cause class divisions--both financially and philosophically. It explores the clash between faith and science and how differences can separate us as enemies or ally us together. And in some cases, even in the midst of betrayal and personal crisis, there's room to fall in love." quote source There is a prequel to this story called Ambition that follows Noah right before he meets Zoe.

Perception by Lee Strauss

17-year-old Zoe Vanderveen is a GAP--a genetically altered person. She lives in the security of a walled city on water-front property alongside other equally beautiful people with extended life spans. Her brother Liam is missing. Noah Brody is a natural who lives on the outside in L.A. He leads protests against the GAPs and hates the widening rift they've created between those who have and those who don't. He doesn't like girls like Zoe and he has good reason not to like her specifically. Zoe's carefree life takes a shocking turn. She's in trouble and it turns out that Noah, the last guy on earth she should trust, is the only one who can help her.

I like this book because it deals with some fundamental social and scientific concerns that one day we as humans might have to deal with such as cloning and changing humans' DNA and specific genes to get the child you want. Who look perfect and live longer than normal people. So, society as a whole has to deal with this perceived problem of inequality since only the very rich will be able to afford the GAP procedure. The naturals like Noah and his father before him protest against them to show the world that scientists should not play God, by giving people unfair advantages, privileges, and having to GAP only utopian cities. This does not help the overall population who are barely surviving in a world littered with economical and environmental concerns. And to see how neglected and ignored religious beliefs are is a bit sad we all need to have faith in some higher power.  

People like Zoe's grandfather who help discover how to do this don't see it as an ethically wrong and he goes around the government with all his money to do things that are illegal such as fund a project to create human cyborgs, help clone Zoe when she died in a pool accident at the age of 2, and erase her memory of Noah. Zoe's life, in the beginning, seems perfect she has a bf and a great older brother and rich parents, but everything falls apart when her brother goes missing and she is determined to find out what happened to him. 

Zoe and Noah are forced to work together when Liam goes missing and despite Noah hating GAPs and Zoe knowing nothing outside the city gates of Sol. They even manage to fall in love with each other nut that is short-lived when William Vanderveen Zoe's grandfather catches them in his house where Noah barely escapes and Zoe gets her memories wiped. Noah does all he can to save and rescue her from her family and life in Sol because so much deception was going on in her life she was in the dark about her past and what kind of things her brother and grandfather were working and that it was illegal and then her boyfriend Jackson kept her in the dark and continued after what happened to Liam. 

So, in the end, Noah had to get Zoe away from that environment which was no small task since she had forgotten who he was but slowly her memory came back after she stops taking the pills that were helping block out her memories. I look forward to seeing Noah's and Zoe's journey continue in the sequel called Volition out sometime this year. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Genie/Jinni dilemna

Hi, welcome to my second blog post. Max Xylander and the Island of Zumuruud is a fast-paced fantasy adventure and is the first of a planned trilogy. Hope you enjoy and don't forget to leave a comment and rate my post.

Max Xylander and the island of Zumuruud 

by Jon Thomason

 Max has an anger problem. She has a dangerous secret and can make things happen. She almost killed a kid at school. The question is, can she do anything other than blow things up and can she learn to control it? And is it really possible that an unknown teenage girl is a key to keeping all of the humankind safe? 

has just got his ring back. He got it taken away. Now that he has his ring, he thinks he should be able to use his power to make his life better and the dilemma is that people want him to be accountable. But if you could do magic, wouldn’t you use it to escape work in any way possible? 

wants to be a soldier. He knows there are lots of people who would try to take over, and he’s determined to stop them. The problem is that there’s this new girl, and which side will she be on. She’s really gifted and cute, but she might destroy what he believes in. Whatever the case, he knows he needs to learn to be the best with the magic sword in the meantime. 

never gets out because her grandfather won’t permit it. Her only access to the outside world is fashion magazines, so she has an unusual idea of what she should wear. She’s dying to get out see the world and adopt animals. Are her ridiculous clothes actually the next fashion craze? What possible role could she play in the destiny of the world?

      I liked this book it was unique and different. I have only read a few books about Jinn and those were just about one granting wishes, not this elaborate community which they have in this book, where they have many different jobs and their magic comes from the ring each one wears. This book revolves around one of the main characters Max a girl who somehow got jinni powers from a bone marrow transplant and has to attend camp to train how to use them. She has to deal with so much opposition since she is this so-called chosen one and choose which side she will be on follow the rules of the council or help Philip the Heir defeat them. I'm still a bit confused after reading this book. At first, Philip seems to be a fairly nice guy just not good at following the rules but when he finds this Qudar and gets more power he becomes a bit evil and I totally did not like him anymore I'm glad he got the punishment he did. In the same sense, the First Council Sedak is abusing his power too by not even giving Max a chance to prove herself and just sends out his agent behind the scene to kill her. 

   So who was bad and who is good both sides had bad people in control and using their power for selfish reasons and not the good of the jinn. Max makes a few friends along the way Brynn and Aaron who help her fit and learn how to be a jinni. At the end of the book, Max learns that should not have trusted Philip he uses her to get what he wanted, and when she did not like his agenda she rejected joining him. I am looking forward to seeing what happens in the next book. If you like books about fantasy adventures and are fans of magic, swordplay, secret agents, and schemes set in the modern world then this book is for you. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Rock Star Drama

Hello, all this is my first official blog entry, and hope you enjoy my reviews. I am going to chat about two books that focus on one girl who has to deal with Rock Stars and her sudden exposure in the media and tabloids. Also, feel free to rate my post and to leave a comment. 

Rock Star's Girl by J. F. Kristin

Synopsis: This story is about Emily Watts who has her own fashion website and freelances for some other companies. She is lives in Cal and is friends with Jesse Cinder a guitar player in a band from NYC ashes of Brooklyn. While at one of his shows she meets another rock star Cory Sampson lead singer of Blistering Twilight where she gets more than she bargains for in form of publicity. Will she end up with either of these stars or trailblaze her own path. 

      I was liking this book until I read the ending. Emily gets thrown into the deep end with the paparazzi one day she just a girl with a fashion web site and the next her love life it splashed all over the tabloids by one Wally Hood. She meets Cory and the media exposure angle toward her. Their romance is blazed hot and fast in no time at all they are seen kissing in public Emily is happy but Cory soon gets cold feet on committing to being her bf. Her relationship with Jesse gets strained with gossip that they kissed and she cheated on Cory, which is false since they are friends and nothing more. Both these guys use the newly gained focus on Emily to their advantage to get more publicity for them and their bands. I'm glad Emily in the end saw that both guys really did not care much about her they were basically just using her for more fame. Yes, Cory did have that show where he asked her for a second chance in front of his audience but was that just for show or was he sincere we will not know since Emily cut ties to him. Emily does something I don't agree with after she told Wally Hood her side of the story that she was just friends with Jesse and her and Cory were over. What else did she do? 
     She decided to work for the slime ball that sprayed all her dirty laundry for the whole world to see. I mean come on she really used the cliché If you can't beat them join them. Why would you put yourself through that or sink that low? I’m upset with the author of the book with the Epilogue teasing us by saying Emily has a new guy in her life but going into no detail at all so were let wondering and guessing whom it could be. Hopefully, not that dude Wally that would really put the last nail in the coffin for me. I gave it a one-star rating just cause I did not like the ending. I just feel it felt flat and Emily got away from guys wanting publicity and selling out to doing that herself. Okay, she made a connection with Wally and had some things in common and he tried to help fix the problems he created. So, if you like a book about how the paparazzi and tabloids can mess up someone's life this book is for you.

Rock Star's Daughter by Caitlyn Duffy

Synopsis: This is a heartwarming yet heart-wrenching story of a girl named Taylor who's mom dies and she has to move in with her Rock Star father who she doesn't even
 know and how she now has to deal with all the publicity that comes with it 
while trying to be a normal teenager dealing with friends, family, school, and
 trying to find love. 

     I liked this book Taylor's life is living with her entrainment star absent mom who does very little parenting while her daughter is a violinist and academic in the boarding school she attends. I was so sad when Taylor's mom died because of how it hurt her by being uprooted from her home and having to move across the country with her father and his new family she barely knows and has to go on the road with her father's band for the rest of the summer. That leads her to a unique journey. She falls in love with a groupie's son named Jake which she is so happy about to have her first boyfriend, but life problems get in the way she just wants to escape and leave the tour. Her life is turned upside down and she has trouble adjusting. In the end, she finds out that she really likes her step-mom and sister and understands her father's problems with alcohol and cheating than in the end goes to rehab for his problems. Taylor really grows up in this one summer she also learns a lot about herself and the past she did not know. Her so-called bf Jake just wanted her to sleep with her. Once she tells him no he gets angry and they end things on fairly bad terms. In the end, though Taylor ends up with the guy she wanted in the first place her best friend's brother Todd they meet each other he gives her a birthday gift and kisses her. The book ends a bit flat after Taylor attends her concert
 and sees her stepmom and sister came to see it.

I gave this book a 4-star rating because it totally captured how a young teenager deals with heartache and having her whole world turned upside and just one moment. Taylor's perseverance got her through the troubling transition and ended on a good note with her doing something she loves playing the violin. So if you like a book about a girl who has to move in with her Rock Star dad and deal with the media and just deal with life problems this book is for you.  

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Hi, my name is Scarlett Janeway-Keck this blog will focus on books. This is my first ever blog so be patient with me while I figure out how this whole thing works. I love books and wanted to share my knowledge and input about books. I read many books and decided to start posting my reviews of these books be they be good or bad new or old. I will mostly focus on fictional books but if views decide to give me ideas of books they want to talk about that are non-fiction I'll take that into consideration. My main type of books that I enjoy and read are romance, SciFi, Christian, children's book, Classical lit such as Jane Austen, Shakespeare, Edgar Allan Poe, etc. I have read some horror but not many. Most books are up for grab for me to review if people specifically ask for my opinions. I read the books fairly fast depending on how I like it and the page number. I plan to start off doing the blog two times a week just depends on how I'm feeling and how fast I read. My first Review I hope to have up by Saturday. Thank you and I hope to get many followers. 


Hi all sorry I been gone for a while been trying fig out what to do with this blog. I have been trying to work on my book idea more but slow...