Monday, March 11, 2013

Genie/Jinni dilemna

Hi, welcome to my second blog post. Max Xylander and the Island of Zumuruud is a fast-paced fantasy adventure and is the first of a planned trilogy. Hope you enjoy and don't forget to leave a comment and rate my post.

Max Xylander and the island of Zumuruud 

by Jon Thomason

 Max has an anger problem. She has a dangerous secret and can make things happen. She almost killed a kid at school. The question is, can she do anything other than blow things up and can she learn to control it? And is it really possible that an unknown teenage girl is a key to keeping all of the humankind safe? 

has just got his ring back. He got it taken away. Now that he has his ring, he thinks he should be able to use his power to make his life better and the dilemma is that people want him to be accountable. But if you could do magic, wouldn’t you use it to escape work in any way possible? 

wants to be a soldier. He knows there are lots of people who would try to take over, and he’s determined to stop them. The problem is that there’s this new girl, and which side will she be on. She’s really gifted and cute, but she might destroy what he believes in. Whatever the case, he knows he needs to learn to be the best with the magic sword in the meantime. 

never gets out because her grandfather won’t permit it. Her only access to the outside world is fashion magazines, so she has an unusual idea of what she should wear. She’s dying to get out see the world and adopt animals. Are her ridiculous clothes actually the next fashion craze? What possible role could she play in the destiny of the world?

      I liked this book it was unique and different. I have only read a few books about Jinn and those were just about one granting wishes, not this elaborate community which they have in this book, where they have many different jobs and their magic comes from the ring each one wears. This book revolves around one of the main characters Max a girl who somehow got jinni powers from a bone marrow transplant and has to attend camp to train how to use them. She has to deal with so much opposition since she is this so-called chosen one and choose which side she will be on follow the rules of the council or help Philip the Heir defeat them. I'm still a bit confused after reading this book. At first, Philip seems to be a fairly nice guy just not good at following the rules but when he finds this Qudar and gets more power he becomes a bit evil and I totally did not like him anymore I'm glad he got the punishment he did. In the same sense, the First Council Sedak is abusing his power too by not even giving Max a chance to prove herself and just sends out his agent behind the scene to kill her. 

   So who was bad and who is good both sides had bad people in control and using their power for selfish reasons and not the good of the jinn. Max makes a few friends along the way Brynn and Aaron who help her fit and learn how to be a jinni. At the end of the book, Max learns that should not have trusted Philip he uses her to get what he wanted, and when she did not like his agenda she rejected joining him. I am looking forward to seeing what happens in the next book. If you like books about fantasy adventures and are fans of magic, swordplay, secret agents, and schemes set in the modern world then this book is for you. 

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Hi all sorry I been gone for a while been trying fig out what to do with this blog. I have been trying to work on my book idea more but slow...