Friday, July 31, 2020

"The Game" of life that you want to win

    Part 3 of "The Game" Series written by Terry Schott. This book is a Scifi novel and in a Series of about 8 books now I will try to read most if not all the rest and do a review on them. Started second book today. Well I call this blog a book review, but I do more than just say weather I liked it or hate it. I give my version of cliff notes if you will and try not to spoil the ending of books for my readers if they want to read the book for themselves. Enjoy this book I really did can't wait to see what happens in next books called. "Digital Heretic" I post either a comment or a link to the rest of the series if anyone is interested. 


The first image is I believe the original cover of the book and the second is what I just recently found.

   This book is very different and interesting and for anyone who likes the Hunger Games this could be a good read for you not in the fact kids are fighting each other but that they are all playing a game. 

   The Game is a virtual reality simulator created by Brandon Strayne on the planet Tygon. The Earth game life simulation was designed for children to replace traditional schools to teach them about life and the rules of reality letting them learn and make mistakes in the safety of the simulation. You go in at age 5 and the first 5 plays are free. After that, you have to earn credits to buy back into the game. If you can't afford to buy back in the player stays at home with parents and goes to regular school if you're under 14. If your older you become a ward of the state and live in a compound doing trained labor and discharged at age 18. This is an awful poor existence no one wants to be apart of was more like slavery, not school.

    Some of the top players in the games make a lot of money and have a huge fan base watching their gameplays which sets them up for a pretty good life as an adult. Zack is one of those players going from 700 to number 2 in the game after just one play. He met a girl named Alexandra.

    Alex was put into one of these so-called government schools which are not really schools at all. The kids have to do nasty manual labor like trash and sewer jobs get little food and places to sleep and bigger kids pick on younger and week. It is an awful situation for all but more so for Alex since she is labeled "Fallen".

    Zack goes back into the game his avatar's name is Trew Radfield and his former gf Alex is back in the game-born only a few months after him her avatar name is Danielle Benton. Their gameplay will change everything.

    Brandon the creator of the game and Zack parton has a group of people watching Zack keep him on track to snag the 1st place spot when he finishes the game. Brandon the creator of the game and Zack parton has a group of people watching Zack keep him on track to snag the 1st place spot when he finishes the game. 

    Brandon of course has a vested stake in the game doing well and having viewers on Tygon turn into his sponsored players. He has many secrets that most do not know like why and how Eternals operate in the game he also can communicate with the computer mainframe named Sylvia and they both are playing the game, well are they adversaries or allies no one knows.

    Trew and Danielle(Danni) at age of about 10 both find this used book called "The Game is Life" written by George R. Knight which just happens to be the last avatar Zack played as so they read the book and are convinced he is right that the Earth is just a simulated game us humans are all playing and somewhere out there people are watching us. So they put all their energy into trying anything and everything from karate to biology, various sports, meditation, prayer, and religious beliefs.

    They grow up into an adult and finally become man and wife they are so in love. Interesting fact Danni has learned how to meditate and Trew can not so he prays. Then happy news comes along Danni is pregnant but near the end, a sad thing happens she gets sick goes into a coma has internal bleeding, and loses the baby. She did not have any credits to spend on luck which apparently helps women avatars with being able to have healthy children.


   I won't give the ending away, but it does leave the reader on a cliffhanger so I have bought book 2 and when I am done reading it I will review it. Also for this book, I am going to do something I did with a few other books in the past. I will write a series of discussion questions and give feedback on it this book and I'm sure the series discusses many different aspects of life. Not sure right now if the discussion of book one will come before or after the one on book 2 it all depends on how fast I read the next book and how long I decide to make the discussion questions. So I really enjoyed this book it one of my favorites. I hope you all will like it too. Stay safe out there and wear your mask. 

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Hi all sorry I been gone for a while been trying fig out what to do with this blog. I have been trying to work on my book idea more but slow...