Saturday, December 28, 2013

Discussion Question Answers for Anna(the starseed series)

Here are my answers of course some of them did not have a right or wrong answer. I will have another blog post out before the New Year. Please Please if you are reading these posts write me a comment about my blog answer the questions give me some kind of feedback. I'd like to know if you like what you have been reading or not. Also to ensure that I keep this blog going and you enjoy reading my post don't hesitate to donate some money to my Paypal account the link is on the page. Thank You for reading.

Discussion Questions:

1. Did Jared really like Anna or was he just using her? 

This is a tough question to answer I want to believe he had genuine feelings for her, but all the evidence at the end of the book shows he was just using her. He needed to get her away from Steve the guy who had true feelings for her and Jared was just doing what his father told him to do.

2. Why did Anna believe the lies Jessica was spreading and decide not to go with Steve to the Dance?

Anna like most teenage girls tends to be over-emotional and easy to manipulate and confuse and put doubts in their heads. She knew Jessica was a liar and not to be trusted and rather than straight out ask Steve what was going on she chooses to believe the lies.

3. What's up with Michael and Ben are they friends and what is Ben doing is he selling drugs from the company his dad works for?

This question is a bit hard to answer since most of the information about their interaction was not revealed. Ben seemed to be having younger kids deliver and sell drugs for him that he must have gotten from his father who works at a pharmaceutical company. Michael got caught up in wanted to hang out with older boys and help Ben with certain things like stealing the music player. 

4. What will happen to Anna when she returns home?

What we saw in the book she was when she got home to her planet the people she saw in her vision happily greeted her. She will probably tell them about Jared and his father the doctor and how they tried to kill her and she will have to face what she has learned. Will she ever goes back to Earth and See Steve or her other family again I'm not sure but most likely if there is another book coming. 

5. So did the pills Anna started taking for PSTD help her unlock her former memories or was it just a coincidence that they starting coming to her after she took the pills?

Now this question is not hard to answer but can have many different answers I think the pills might have helped a bit, but from what doctor McCormick said that if she took the pills long enough Anna would think they were working and would not get any more memories coming to her. So she would not remember her previous life on Enki. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Discussion Questions Answered for Broken Symmetry

Here are my views and answers  to the question I posted. 

Discussion Questions:  

1. Why does Dr. Donavan send Blaire and Damian on a wild goose chase through the mirror?  

This is a difficult one to answer and I'm not sure I can answer it myself. I think maybe Charles got crossover sickness and was not thinking straight or he was just trying to hide the source mirror and not let them find it but why would he leave them clues and messages. 

2. Was there any kind of hints that would reveal the true ending?  
There were not that many signs the first of course was her father coming back and telling her she was the one that was missing. Also Charles  saying she was the only thing that did not belong. 

3. Could a person really Break Symmetry and go through a mirror?  
I'm not too familiar with the science behind this but when people have more chromosome than they are suppose to they get disease like Down Syndrome. I don't think having these extra genes is the only thing a person needs to be able to walk through a mirror.

4. What is the hardest thing for Blaire had to do? I think the hardest thing Blaire had to do was watch Damian die and carry his body out to the source mirror. Also she had trouble understanding Famian's detachment to the reflections killing them without remorse.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Anna an alien and doesn't know it what will happen to her on Earth

This is a sci-fi / paranormal type of story. Hope you enjoy it and please feel free to post comments.

Anna has a lot of questions, should she pursue her desire to leave home for college and live out her dream of becoming a physicist? Or should she stay home and help care for her family, which has struggled ever since her father died in Afghanistan? Is her crush, Steve, really interested in her, or is he only using the highly intelligent Anna to try and boost his grades in school? 

These questions, plus the ordinary trials and tribulations of high school, divert Anna from noticing some very strange things that are beginning to happen to her. For as long as Anna can remember, she has had a random smattering of freckles on her arm. But these freckles are starting to change, and cause a series of scary hallucinations and odd side effects that only Anna seems to notice. When a strange shadow man starts to haunt her nights, she decides to go on a hunt for the truth to discover, once and for all, what is happening to her.

The hallucinations continue growing stronger, and each visit by the shadow man appears to become more threatening. Eventually, Anna realizes that she can no longer hide from her friends and family what is happening to her. But as she shares her secret with those closest to her, Anna never imagines that her very life, and the lives of those she loves, will be put in jeopardy.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Blaire is the one thing that does not belong

This book is in the paranormal realm. I'm also planning on trying something new at the end of the post I will ask or give out 3-5 discussion or insight questions about the book to get you thinking about things. I'm not sure if I will post my thoughts or answers to the questions yet or leave it up to you. If I do give my answers it will be about 5 days after the post gets published. Of course like always spoilers are a given.

Sixteen-year-old Blaire Adams can walk through mirrors. It is called breaking symmetry. She can reach through mirrors; grab things and even step inside. Eleven months after her father vanished without a trace, he's found wandering outside The Scripps Research Institute vomiting blood and speaking gibberish, his only possession a diary filled with an unrecognizable language. He has a message for her. As he dies in her arms, he claims he never vanished, but she vanished. 

On the other side of the mirror, she lives every teenager’s fantasy: a universe all her own, zero consequences. When finished, she just steps back into reality and smashes the mirror and in an instant erases every stupid thing she did. Gone. It never happened. In a nearby military quarantine zone, scientists are being called in from around the world to sequence a previously unknown strain of DNA. When her father’s autopsy reveals a rare chromosomal disorder, she inherited Blaire begins to suspect her father’s last words weren’t induced by amnesia. 

Like her dad, she has an additional set of instructions in her genes instructions for what, doctors can’t say. Only one thing is certain: it’s what killed him, and it will kill her too. Now she’s haunted by nightmares. The only clue she has is a lasting feeling of déjà vu. That, and the nagging suspicion that all she knows is a mirage. She is certain of two things though it may mean confiding in the wrong side of good and evil, he has the answers she needs. But breaking symmetry is also dangerous. First, there’s the drug-like rush she gets when passing through the glass, like a shot of adrenaline. She suspects it’s degrading her body, making a new copy of her each time a reflection of a reflection, each one a little hazier. Then, of course, there’s the risk of getting cut off from reality.

When trapped in a broken reflection, she must flee through a mind-bending maze of mirrors, going deeper into the nightmare as she struggles to grasp a betrayal, uncover the chilling truth about her ability, and somehow find a way out of a dead-end universe that “never happened.” Somehow, she must find a way home.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Weathering Evan wether or not you should read this book.

Hi don't know why this one got unpublished and I had to do it again sorry if you already read it.

Sorry, everyone, that I have been gone for so many months I did not feel like writing and was trying to find a job and being a bit lazy too. I have read many books since I last posted and plan to write many posts. I hope you will enjoy them. I encourage you all to make book suggestions to me so I know what you all want to hear about. So I thought I start with a book that I did not like. Also, I plan to write another post for my fairytale blog at 

Tammy Janeway is having some issues. Evan Knightly is at the root of all of them. Of course, it’s not his fault that she has a massive crush on him. But she can’t even be sure he deserves her adoration. One minute he’s undeniably sweet and charming, the next he acts like a creep.

Tammy is tired of feeling like a nervous teenager in her professional life. She knows she’s making a fool of herself in front of the co-worker who is already dating Evan. She knows she can’t stop thinking about him and she knows she wants to. But the one thing she doesn’t know just might be the key to finding a fresh start.

So this book peak my interest first of course the cute title and when you read the book you get the double meaning of it by that Evan and Tammy talk about the weather with each other. My main reason for picking this book is the main character Tammy Janeway just happens to have my real last name. This book was very boring and not just because Tammy's job is confusing and very boring she is an import broker meaning she handles things being ship from one place to another dealing with customs and stuff but still totally not sure exactly what she does for a living. So very dull plus the characters are not all the excited or have any depth to them. Tammy's boss Lily seems a bit demanding like any normal boss and her direct co-workers are just too flat. Frank is a nice enough guy who helped Tammy learn the ropes of the business and Georgia is her friend and a bit too needed and chatty and I totally don't like what she did it the whole problem with the story. 

I mean come on a book that the first sentence is "Does it have a trapezoidal cross-section?" It got me lost in a minute because it sounded like math stuff and I hate math. I'm hoping the author did all the necessary research for this particular and peculiar job she gave her main characters. Anyway, the story is one dimensional no layers and no real conflict or climax and it ended so abruptly. So Tammy meets this new guy named Evan Knightly Georgia tells her all about him because she met him first at a Christmas party. 

The whole diabolical happens when Georgia lies to Tammy about dating Evan but after that first meeting Georgia never really talks about him to Tammy so she gets suspicious about this but never comes out directly and asks her about it. So Tammy and Evan run into each other every now and then when they deliver things to the customs office and they talk about the weather of course. It seems like it would build up to them going out on a date but that never happens. Evan asks Tammy out several times but she thinks he is dating Georgia so she turns him down but wonders why he is asking her out if he was with another girl but instead of being courageous and forthcoming asking him outright what his relationship is with Georgia Tammy just keeps her mouth shut. 

The whole situation just bugs me why can't people just ask the questions. Oh also Tammy is Catholic and every Sunday she attends this group called WOWS some single adult meetings and the leader Jo keeps trying to arrange dates with the ladies in the group for her two unmarried sons. Those meeting for me were the highlight of the book and I'm not catholic but there was not any real religiously parts in this book just woman at first at the meetings talking about what they think is the ideal guy and other stuff.  Also,  Tammy goes and visits her sister Rachel and her daughters at least once a month. 

So the kicker to this book is the ending where Georgia finally admits to Tammy that she lied about ever asking Evan on a date so the whole time Tammy was trying avoid and forget about her feelings toward Evan. So the book ends with Evan exchanging phone numbers and his last words were "You'll be home by 5:30?" Then Tammy goes to the farewell party for her boss and the last thing she says is thankyou to Georgia. I mean come on unless the author plans of making a sequel that a pretty lame way to end a very boring book. I mean the whole discussion suggestion questions at the end are interesting. I did not know Georgia's last name Cozen meant to deceive or trick that adds a new element into the whole story. Also, the whole stereotype about single groups reeking of desperation is something to ponder about. Plus I like the author's decision to answers a few of the discussion questions. I did not realize tell she mentioned that the ladies in the group had the names of the girls in Little Women. 

So for this book that at first seemed a bit boring, there were some hidden nuggets of interesting foreshadowing and literary knowledge. So this book was not totally predictable since I was not a 100 percent sure Tammy and Evan would get together. but the plot, characters, and the ending were a bit of a letdown. I did not see any major grammatical or spelling errors which are good cause I hate when books have a lot of misspelled words or font is off and words do not get separated properly. 

Until next time when I write a review of another book and trust me it won't be a month away.  

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Parallel realms when two worlds collide can Liam and Ally save them

Hi Sorry, it been a while since my last post. I have been reading books but couldn't decide on which one to blog about. Also, remember that I do have Spoilers given with my reviews.

When Cepheus, a dark god, forces seventeen-year-old Ally Ashworth off an isolated overlook, she has no idea she's falling into his world, or that the necklace she’s wearing is actually a key, one with the power to ignite the next world war. But she’s carried beyond his reach and into the one place where he’s powerless in the forest of Gilgamesh. Ally’s never been Miss Popularity, but her outsider status takes on new meaning when she’s saved by Liam Cheveyo and his unusual friends.

After seeing them shape-shift into their freaky human-animal counterparts, Ally smacks hard into a few truths: magic really does exist and, although getting here took no effort, finding her way back might be impossible. Feelings between her and Liam begin to grow along with the realization that, in this world, she’s stronger, better, until she’s caught in a trap set by the creepy spider-boy Cepheus sends to capture her. But Ally’s not going down without a fight, not after learning the awful truth about the passageways.

I liked this book it was different than other books I've read like it. When the book was over it left me with a lot of questions that I hope will be cleared up in the next book if and when the author puts one out. The book did end on a cliffhanger making me want more to find out what happens next. I'd like to find out if Ally will really end up going back home and what will happen with her relationship with Liam. I like that all his friends help Ally travel to find a way for her to get back home. I wonder what the real significance of her necklace is besides a so-called key to travel through the two realms and more info on her Dad who gave it to her mom. Also who are the two prisoners Cepheus has captive are they Ally Dad and Liam's(William) mom?

So Ally is a normal girl whose dad died and she on her way to a musical audition in Arizona to get into a Performing Arts school. Her mom gives her this necklace that her father has given her. Her friend was supposed to go with her but at last minute couldn't so she traveled alone with just the GPS to follow but the evil Cepheus somehow changed it which lands her in the middle of nowhere where she falls into a ravine and ends up in the forest of Gilgamesh. Ally also had a dream the night before of these hideous red eyes and a cute boy she saved her.    

So in Liam's world of Gilgamesh magic exist and his friends can transform into different types of animals but he has yet to get his Shanyo which will allow him an animal form as well. Liam lives with his father, grandmother, and sister Meg his mom died several years ago. They all go to this fair they have every year with competitions and food. 

Liam's friends are Ian a panther embodies speed and agility, a Shane a bear represents strength, Oisin a wolf is cunning and courage, Corm a hawk represents seeker. Liam does not participate in the games but does get is fortune told which reveals a journey and a choice involving a love relationship. When the festivities are over the friends leave to go home.

Corm found Ally on the forest ground because her necklace shined in the sunlight. When she wakes up she is disoriented of course and has no clue where she is and they do not know about modern conveniences so when she asked to use a phone or get on a bus they do not know what she is talking about and she has trouble adapting to no electricity and using the bathroom and taking a shower outside. 

Liam takes her to his house and she meets Thea his grandmother who knows about the two worlds but has no way of knowing how to get her back home so they send word to Liam's father for some answers and help. Liam does not like Ally at first he thinks she is odd, selfish, ignorant, and wants nothing to do with her. Soon his heart and mind change toward her especially after he hears how well she plays the fiddle and protected meg from the mean kid Caleb who tries to steal Ally's necklace. He is working for Cepheus. 

Liam tells her the Greek story of the double stars Albireo and Ascencia and how his people the males received the gift to transform into one animal. When Thea returns from visiting Podegar she tells them that she knew about the parallel worlds of theirs and ally and that people have been using portals or passageways for years. Ally finds a note in her bag from her father talking about this and she remembers writing a report about parallel dimensions from his research.  They visit the town of Pembroke where Meg got a journal Ally spent many days with them waiting for word. Caleb who can turn into a spider bites Pilotte Liam's dog he and Ally drain the poison out of him and she has developed some kind of healing ability cause when she placed her hands on the dog he got better and she felt sick afterward.  Liam and Ally get close and share the first kiss in the barn. 

Liam's father sends a message telling them to meet him in 5 days in Portsmouth. Meg journal which turns out to be the Diary of Seshet, gave her a message that said that the six will go on this journey but they will be vulnerable. Liam's star on his neck also changes into the sword and he has the ability of strategy. Ally learned she had a trait as well of inspiration and she is called a Malakai angel. Liam also is given a sword that his mother had called Nuada and also finds out it is Excalibur the sword King Arthur had. 

Their journey begins in Pembroke and then goes to Constance where they meet Gabriel a mute boy who draws amazing pictures of what will or has happened on their journey. Liam asks if she has a beau back home and she says no and she asks him what happened with Olivia the girl that liked him he said they would just be friends. Raya Liam's father's bird returned with a strange message talking about the mute and mutant and a metamorphosis.  

They visit a pub to get food and meet Adam a born who was burned in a fire and he turns out to be the brother of Caleb. Cepheus deceived Caleb by agreeing to protect his family instead tried to kill them all in the house fire. Liam and Ally help Adam and he decides to let him stop working at the pub and go live in his house. 

They are going to camp out under the stars tonight and put the horses in an abandoned barn they find but Marcus a mean kid from the barn who trips Adam goes and sets it on fire and they have to save the horses. Adam runs into the barn through a hole to find Pollux Liam's horse who has not come out. Ally has to go in a rescue him and is helped by Tellervo the goddess of the forest.

The next day in town of Berwick a wedding procession is going by and the bride throws Ally her wreath the laurels of love. They attend the festivities and Liam and Ally have to dance and she is asked to join the band. A little boy with a recorded plays twinkle twinkle little star. Also, a double moon is happening with Pegasus and Chimera Ally says where she comes from there is only one moon. Caleb has an idea and has put a sleeping potion in Liam's and Corm's drink. Those three head off to sleep.

While they are sleeping Caleb turns into a spider and bits both Liam and Corm on the leg to kill them. He then uses the recorder to play the song to lure Ally away it works and he takes her she gets pricked by the Gorgon bush and he drags him down into the ruins his master told him about to await his arrival. Hours later Liam and Corm wake up on the ground and Ally missing. The rest of the group head to the camp to find they use the sword to leech the venom out of their bodies and they go searching for Ally. Liam's mother comes to him telling him he must save Ally and fulfill his destiny. 

When Ally wakes up and finds where she at trapped by a spider web and vine she talks to Caleb and tells him she met his brother who was badly burned he does not believe her at first until he finds his clothes in her bag. He is upset that his master betrayed him he falls into a hole and can't get out and snakes are in with him and he can no longer transform into a spider.

Ally is able to free herself from the webbing and vine but it is too dark for her to see the exit she makes her way out of the labyrinth and finds Caleb is trapped in a hole she uses her clothes and backpack to make a rope and help him out of there. Then two men ride upon horses to take them to Cepheus One named Askari has a cobra on his chest and the other Sukata has a dragon they are death's half brothers.  

Askari uses a poison arrow and hits Corm who is flying above in the sky. Ally tried to get away from the guys but they pull her back she wonders is Liam is still alive since Corm was. For a brief moment, he is able to communicate telepathically with Liam and tell him her location and that they do not know he is not alone. Pollux runs by without a rider and the group swoops in to save Ally. They fight the brother's tooth and nail. Then Death himself shows up to tell Liam of his path to saving two worlds from being destroyed and gives him a shield. 

Ally uses Oisin arrows one adam gave him. It flies toward the red mark on the snake on Askari's chest and he disintegrates. she tries to kill Sukata but he gets away. Caleb is killed by a dragon claw saving Liam. When they go to find where Corm's body landed he is not alive she touches him and cries and wishes for him to be alive. She opens her eyes to see his body transformed from the hawk back to human and then he starts breathing her tears of the Phoenix brought him back to life. They still had a two-day journey ahead.

Cepheus is not pleased when Sukata comes back alone. Sukata told Cepheus she was traveling with 5 Shayeen not one and she found Askari weakness. He also said he carries the Sword of Nuada. He looks into his glass orb and finds out Corm lives and for the prophecy to be fulfilled 2 more must join them to make 8 for the two missing traits of camouflage and determination. They also have the arrows of Golan. He wants to talk to his two prisoners and to not let Ascencia defeat him again he has the other key necklace. 

I am looking forward to the next book I'm sure hoping there will be another one because I don't think the author would leave us hanging like this with so many unanswered questions and a journey not completed. This is Cindy Saunders's first novel so hope to read more from her.  

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Different view on Alien life as we know it and how humans are the real monsters

Hi, a review over a futuristic Sci-Fi book about humans and aliens with a twist on how we normally perceive Aliens. 

In the future, only one rule will matter: Don’t. Ever. Peek.

Seventeen-year-old Ari Alexander just broke that rule and saw the last person she expected hovering above her bed arrogant Jackson Locke, the most popular boy in her school. She expects instant execution or some kind of freak alien punishment, but instead, Jackson issues a challenge: help him, or everyone on Earth will die.

Ari knows she should report him, but everything about Jackson makes her question what she’s been taught about his kind. And against her instincts, she’s falling for him. But Ari isn’t just any girl, and Jackson wants more than her attention. She’s a military legacy who’s been trained by her father and exposed to war strategies and societal information no one can know especially an alien spy, like Jackson. Giving Jackson the information he needs will betray her father and her country, but keeping silent will start a war.

A totally unique story of aliens coming to earth.  Usually, they are way more intelligent than us and are trying to conquer and take over by killing everyone and using our land for its supplies. and that is not really the case in this book. The Aliens are intelligent but they want to live in a peaceful coexistence yes there may be some ulterior motives and some of the Ancients as they are called I'm sure are not warm and fuzzy happy with humans. The ancients don't need as much water as they claim they do and they hid many of their people on Earth called Latent or rogues. Which is against the treaty they only suppose up come for the Takings. Which is quite a different concept they come in at midnight and the human has to wear this patch on their faces that cover their eyes and paralyzes the person for 30 minutes while the Ancient takes antibodies from the human? 

There is a love story is good Lawrence(Law) and Ari are kinda betrothed by their parents since he is the son of the president and she is the daughter of the Commander sort of head of the military but she does not love Law she falls in love with Jackson who she finds out is the Ancient assigned to her for the takings. Some humans think that they can't coexist on the same planet with the Ancients because there is not enough food etc. 

Humans' treatment and experimenting to torture the Ancients is wrong. Humans to find out how to kill them and disperse a neurotoxin. The Ancient just want to live in peace, but humans are sometimes afraid of someone or something that is different than they are and try to find ways to get rid of them or control them. Humans are mean which I think was totally uncalled for since the Ancient has not done anything really wrong they just want to live on Earth and have the Humans abide by the treaty. 

 From what I have gathered the Ancient have not done much to warrant this hostility yes they attack the school and other places but only because the humans refused to honor the agreement of the treaty for peaceful coexistence. Ari and Jackson work together to figure out what really is going on and help him stop the war from happening if humans do not comply with the laws of the treaty. They find out at the ball where the four heads of State around the world met to discuss which action to take and they decide on an Airborne attack which leads to the neurotoxin is released. 

Humans did not think or know how the toxin might hurt humans too because some Ancient has the power to heal humans and given them Xylem in their bodies. So when it dispersed and many humans get sick included Ari and Chloe who was the operative showing Ari how they were experimenting on the Ancients. People panic the government refuses to connect the toxin and the disease as one and the same. They take the infected and put them into an execution camp and Zeus the leader of the ancients announces anyone who is sick can come live on Loge but the can never return home. Ari's mom is able to come up with an antitoxin to cure the symptoms but they only last an hour. Ari, Gretchen, and Lawrence all go to the camp to rescue the people in the process they have to fight and kill other humans who are there to guard the prisoners. 

Jackson ends up showing up right when Ari antidote is wearing off and he carries her through a port to his planet. The book ends with her on Loge being treated for her illness and Ari having to deal with the fact she finds out Jackson is the grandson of Zeus and can she forgive him for lying to her. She is lost and confused and not sure if she will ever see Earth or her family again. Jackson says she can communicate with her family but what will happen how can this War be prevented.  

I can't wait to read the next book Hover that comes out in August.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

She is good at her job until gets taken for a unusual turn

Hi, I am going to talk about a book that I did not like for a change I'd planned on being a bit more balanced with my Reviews but I haven't read many books that I downright hated or disliked. 

Andra Martineau is no ordinary young woman. She's a Klêidouchos Propylaia (K-Pro for short), which means she has the unique ability to help certain people get exactly what they want. And Andra is good at her job her clients have gone on to become 
a veritable who's who of the rich-and-famous. David Styles is an up-and-coming an actor with everything going for him: looks, talent, and countless beautiful women vying for his attention. But when Andra turns up in his bed demanding to know what he wants, his perfect world starts to spiral out of control. And it's not just his reputation on the line what David doesn't know can certainly harm him, in ways he couldn't possibly begin to imagine.

With the help of David's incorrigible costar, Andra begins to realize not only her own true nature, but David's hidden identity as well. Andra is forced to battle not only her attraction to David (and she never gets involved with clients), but the being within him, that wants to take away everything she holds dear.

As David continues to lose himself to the strengthening form within him, Andra navigates the jealousies of the film's director and David's would-be paramour in an effort to save him. She can make others' wishes come true, but can she grant her own? The K-Pro is a fast-paced contemporary fantasy with a paranormal twist.

I did not like this book for many reasons first the setting of the story never changed the whole thing took place at one house where the main character David an actor is apart of filming a Regency Piece movie. The plot is really nonexistent and no real climax. Andra is called by David to help him with something but she doesn't find out till later that he is being kind of possessed by the spirit of a God and his co-star Alfred is really Dionysus the God of wine and fertility. The best part of the book is the Interludes that give the back story. A Lady named Hecate stole a key from Janus who is now in David's body trying to get the key back so he can return to Olympus. So Cassandra(Andra) has this key but does not remember who she is and that it does not really belong to her. She has been using the key to help humans achieve their goals of fame and fortune like Ben Mackenzie the director of the movie. 

Janus(David) and Hecate(Andra) are drawn together he calls her so he can get the key back but she does not know what he wants or who David really is. So they all run around this Victorian House by the ocean trying to film a movie while Andra figures out why she has been called here. In the end, Alfred tells them who he is and if they drink his special wine they will forget that they are Gods and go on there way as nothing ever happened.

They're a bit of love in the book Liz a co-star on the set wants David the director brings in his old girlfriend because he thinks his actors are getting involved with each other and does not want that. Alfred has been seeing the makeup lady Tina. Most of the characters end up outside the house at night because David and Alfred take a walk and go missing. Soon everyone finds them and the truth is revealed. 

David(Janus) mother Juno shows up and tells him to get the key back and he has to swallow it so they can return to be back with the other Gods after three thousand years of being stuck on Earth. So David(J) has a choice to make he can take the key back and go home and David ceases to exist, or he can drink Dionysus(Alfred) wine and forget that he is a God and continue to be David. The regular show up and Margie David's ex comes up and is convinced by Bacchus a.k. Alfred or Dionysus to drink some of his wine and she passes out cold. So some of the men have to carry her back to the house.

Janus told his mom that he did not want to swallow the key he gave it back to Andra and took the flask and drank. He returned to himself and forgot that he was a God and confused why his mother and ex were here but Cassandra looked into his eyes and saw them changing and she knew he did not really drink the wine. His mom still wants him to take the key but he decided to give it to Andra. He tells his mom that Cate "has a true purpose. She uses that key to help people," David(Janus) and Andra(Cate) were left alone and he tells her he did not drink the wine because he did not want to forget her and it tastes awful. He tells her he wants her and has loved her for three thousand years. So they agree to be together. 

So it was a book that I did not enjoy reading it was dry and boring with no big plot structure and no climax. There was a problem they got it solved and two people realized who they really were and they loved each other. 

Sunday, June 30, 2013

They are not as different as the government want you to believe

Hi, I hope you like this futuristic love story. It a lovely story about inequality on Mars androids being treated like property and not like humans and much like the gay community in our world they are not allowed to get married or have the same rights as humans. I think people getting mistreated just cause they are different than others and are in the minority of people is wrong. All people are created equal in the eyes of God and should be allowed to have all the same rights and privileges of others.

Seventeen-year-old Retta Heikkinen is in love with a boy. He is completely gorgeous, captivating, and mysteriously named Hemingway. The situation is rather ideal that he likes her, and she likes him. There's just one little problem. He's a blue heart, an android.

Being in a relationship is its own complicated mess, but how long can a forbidden love last? Soon Retta discovers a secret that could destroy the uneasy truce between the blue hearts and humans, which makes life under the domes on Mars possible. Would expose what she knows to make things better or worse? And how can she know for certain without exposing the secret?

Retta and Hemingway are forbidden by the government to be together as a couple because he is an android and she is a human. Living on Mars can be difficult especially for the androids who are treated as second class citizens and even property of Synlife. Retta meets Hemingway at the coffee shop she works at and she was so in awe of how good looking he was and fell in love with his eyes that have galaxies in them. Retta's mom died when many years ago leaving Retta and her younger sister Marta to be raised by her father. Retta's father a botanist is not happy when she brings Hemingway home and finds out he is an android he wants to be his mother and is very vocal about his views on the subject but since his daughter is going to 18 he cannot say much. Their relationship does not get off the ground at first since Hemingway breaks up with her saying that it is too dangerous for them to be together bad things will happen to them. 

Retta of course is devastated and does everything she can think of to try to get over him and learn more about androids and why humans treat them so badly. With the help of her friend Mei they break into and find out some important info about the androids and that their hearts are not really blue but red like humans that it was a lie told to make them seem just like machines. Soon a person calling himself The Voice is calling for a revolution for androids and humans to rise up and get equal rights for androids all over Mars and stop being treated like property and just machines. With this news, many people come out as being androids since there is not an easy way of telling who is one unless you can spot their tell. 

So it turns out Retta's teacher Dr. Craspo and one of the high officials in the government comes out as being an android. Retta finds out that the government wants to send a lot of the androids away to start colonizing another planet for humans to go live on but they are not going to ask for volunteers they will force them to leave their homes and families. The end of the year dance soon arrives and Retta has no one to go with and does not ever really want to be there but she hopes to see Hemingway she just can't stop thinking about him, but when he shows up with a date another android she crumbles and runs away. She ends up in the industrial district called the vents and gets attacked and almost raped by an android when Hemingway comes up and saves her.  

He takes her home and his mom helps her. Retta and Hemingway are left alone and start kissing but soon break it up and she asks about the girl and she says she is like him and safe and will not get hurt if they are together. Retta does not like his answer and runs home. The school year is ending and Mei tells Retta she should let Hemingway know what the found out from Synlife so she calls him and asks him to meet her at the coffee bar. When she tells him the news he is upset that she broke into the building saying they were dangerous people they decide that for him not to be taken away they need to run away together and deliver her information to the Voice. 

They travel to New Tokyo where they will stay awhile, but since it mostly Japanese Colony they stick out in the crowd. They were told by the voice to meet someone named Masumi Kim, but the Information Recovery Services(IRS) bet them there and erased his memory and are soon after them and they run away from the agents. When they are in their hotel room he tells her about a ceremony the blue hearts perform when they want to get married because by law they are not allowed to do it legally. She agrees to marry him and the both say some kind of vows from their heart. They visit a wind garden but those IRS agents find them and they are on the run again. They get to the train station and head to New Sydney. 

Since Retta has been posting pro-android equal rights type stuff on her website the IRS were after them. They really want Hemingway but since she broke into their facility they wanted to arrest her too. She gets a message from her dad about her sister Marta being sick and he asks if they should go back to see Retta's family. After they spent the day in the city Hemingway bought tickets to take them back to New Helsinki so Retta could go see what was wrong with her sister he also bought tickets to New Hyderabad. When they got back Hemingway went to meet his mother and Retta went to the hospital and she found out her sister was dying something was wrong with her heart the doctors were basically not doing anything but letting her die since they do not have many donors available to give heart transplants. 

Her father was not happy to find out Retta married Hemingway he did not see the androids the same way as her he thought they were freaks and just machines. Then they got together with both their parents and talked about the situation they told Sonja Hemingway's mom all they learned about the androids being sent away. She did tell them that Synlife technically owned the androids. Retta had come up with a brilliant idea of how to help her sister and ask Sonja for her help. Retta asks if an android heart could be put into a human since it uses human blood and she said yes but Retta would have to break into Synlife again and steal one. So Retta and Mei once again went to Synlife but Sonja helped them so they did not have to break in saying they were there to visit a relative. 

The plan worked for the most part but Retta almost got caught but Mei was the distraction and lured the guards away from Retta so she could escape. She got to the hospital and Sonja had found a doctor willing to do the surgery, but it was going to be tough to convince Marta and her father. He would not want his daughter to be a cyborg and be part android but he soon agreed because he did not want her to die she was scared about the surgery but she wanted to live. She went back to the apartment and found Hemingway and told him all that had happened and he said he had finished the Holo-documentary he was working on. Soon there was a knock at the door the IRS had found them again and took him away. She had to find out where they were holding the androids so she went to talk to Mei's father who is a member of the Parliament and on the committee that cooperates with the Unified Martian Government.  

They got me out of Synlife and they ask her father where the took all the androids he did not want to tell them but Retta explained she was in love with one, married him, and needed to find him. He tried to tell them the androids were owned by the government and could do what they wanted with them, but Retta insisted they were not so different than humans. So he reluctantly told them where to go Space Gate 11 they also asked him to broadcast the documentary. At the gate, tons of people were there waiting to get on flights to go on vacations or just leave the planet we're talking about what they just saw and Retta got up on a container and began talking about the blue hearts and telling the people that they were being held in the space gate and they needed to stand up to the government and have them release the androids the abducted. It took a lot of begging and pleading to reason with the people but they decided to not let this injustice continue. 

They all stormed the warehouse shouting "Free the androids. The children of Mars." They took the agent's weapons and threatened them and they did not fight back and the opened the doors and released the androids. When she found Hemingway she hugged him and they kissed. 

The epilogue of course Marta lived and she was faster and stronger than before since she was part android and a hybrid. Hemingway and Retta had their own apartment and there was a new vendor set up shop with a sign that said"Android-grown Coffee beans." Retta's Dad say the sign and was not impressed he still did not too pleased about androids showing who they were and being part of society. I hope there is a sequel to this book I'd love to see continue on with Retta's and Hemingway Journey and see how Marta adapts to her new heart. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Negative words hurt so watch what you say and don't be afraid to ask for help.

I hope you enjoy this blog and please click on the ads on the page. I'd love for you all to comment and leave me feedback about my blog telling me what you like about it. What I need to improve on or even a book review suggestion. Also, sorry my post has been sparse I'll try my best to keep them going out at a more steady pace.

Kayla Marlowe is slowly vanishing.
Last year, Kayla’s world imploded. Her beloved father died, leaving her alone with a vain mother who is quick to criticize her daughter’s appearance. During her winter break from college, Kayla’s dangerous obsession with losing weight begins.

Kayla feels like her world changes for the better overnight. Being skinny seems to be the key to the happiness she has desperately been seeking. Her mother and friends shower her with compliments, telling her how fantastic she looks. Kayla is starving, but no one knows it.

Cameron Bennett burst into Kayla’s life. He’s sexy and kind he has every quality she has been looking for in a guy. As Cameron grows closer to Kayla and learns of how far she’s willing to go to stay thin, he becomes frantic to save her. Kayla’s struggles with anorexia and bulimia reach a breaking point and she is forced to confront her body image issues in order to survive. She wonders if Cameron could be the one to help heal her from the pain of her past.

This story shows how people's words really can hurt other people and Kayla had not got over the death of her father. Kayla's mom told her most of her life she was fat and unattractive and needed to lose weight. When she finally did lose some weight her friends and mother were happy for her, but it made Kayla miserable because she thought she had to keep losing weight and started to hate food not eat right and she even resulted in vomiting up her food after eating so she would not gain it back. She did not confine in anyone about her problems until it was too late and she ended up in the hospital and has to go to a rehab facility to get help. 

Kayla a Journalism major could not see how she was treating her body so bad she even turned to the wrong kind of help on the Internet people telling her ways to hide her problems and how to make her feel bad about herself by looking at pictures of super-thin models. 

Body image is such an integral part of our lives and young girls get the wrong message shoved down their throats and in their faces. We should be proud of our bodies and learn how to control our weight in safe and healthy ways. With so much obesity going on in this country it no wonders girls have problems dealing with how the look. Everyone is so worried about what others will think it says if they are seen looking a certain way that others don't like. 

Karla finds love in this book with a guy named Cameron who works to get College Students to get credit cards. She can't figure out why he likes her and wants to date her. She tries very hard to keep her illness a secret from him. Cameron and her sister soon find out that she has not been eating and starving herself. They try to help her but she doesn't want their help she gets upset at them for not understanding how she feels and just trying to fix her and make her fat. Their intentions are good but she has to hit rock bottom before she can get the help she needs. 

Cameron and Kayla both have a younger sister Cameron's sister Scarlett and Kayla's is Lila. When Cameron Finally met Kayla's family her mom tried to flirt with him but when he stood up to Charlotte about how she was treating her daughters she did not like him anymore. She could not see how her words were hurtful and not helpful. It went a bit better when Kayla met Cameron's family. His sister Scarlett did warn Kayla not to break his heart because someone already done that before, which turns out to be his mother who was a drug addict and abandoned him. 

Like many stories, an old girlfriend shows up or hangs around and when Kayla sees her at Cameron's apartment she jumps to the wrong conclusion like books and movies tend to do, and the injured party runs away without listening to the whole story and find out the truth. Kayla also gets a scare about being pregnant since her period was late due to how much weight she had lost. Her problem gets so bad she moves in with one of the girls she been talking to online who also had anorexia and did not tell anyone where she was. 

She saw how her friend looked and could not believe how skinny she was but this girl was not her real friend because when Kayla got too bad and passed out in the shower her friend Marti and her boyfriend just dumped her on the doorstep of the hospital. So that when Kayla had to finally face the facts that she needed help but it took her a few days to figure that out because when she saw they were giving her fluids in her IV she was still worried about how many calories she was taken in even though she was basically skin and bones. 

Her fear of getting fat was totally irrational and she desperately needed help. Kayla was diagnosed as being anorexic and bulimic and also a body dysmorphic disorder. She went to rehab at first she did not think she could handle it the stomach pain and the urge to throw up overwhelmed her. It also hurt Kayla to be away from Cameron for months but she had to do this by herself soon she was handling the program and felt up to writing Cameron a letter after he sent her one. She got to be good friends with her roommate in April.

Once she got out of rehab she went back to college and one of her roommates Brittany. When she saw Cameron at his apartment for the first time in many months it was like coming home the hug and kissed and she even made him dinner. They enjoyed each other's company. Kayla's parting words are "Having an eating disorder was an ugly thing, but I had survived it. I didn't become a tragedy, a warning to girls of what happens when you starve yourself for beauty. In the end, I'd chosen love."    


Hi all sorry I been gone for a while been trying fig out what to do with this blog. I have been trying to work on my book idea more but slow...