Discussion Questions:
1. Why does Dr. Donavan send Blaire and Damian on a wild goose chase through the mirror?
This is a difficult one to answer and I'm not sure I can answer it myself. I think maybe Charles got crossover sickness and was not thinking straight or he was just trying to hide the source mirror and not let them find it but why would he leave them clues and messages.
2. Was there any kind of hints that would reveal the true ending?
There were not that many signs the first of course was her father coming back and telling her she was the one that was missing. Also Charles saying she was the only thing that did not belong.
3. Could a person really Break Symmetry and go through a mirror?
I'm not too familiar with the science behind this but when people have more chromosome than they are suppose to they get disease like Down Syndrome. I don't think having these extra genes is the only thing a person needs to be able to walk through a mirror.
4. What is the hardest thing for Blaire had to do? I think the hardest thing Blaire had to do was watch Damian die and carry his body out to the source mirror. Also she had trouble understanding Famian's detachment to the reflections killing them without remorse.
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