Sunday, April 28, 2013

Is it a Gift or a Curse

Please comment on my blog. I hope you like it. And of course spoilers for people who have not read the book. 

Most people who experience death don't live to tell about it. When sixteen-year-old Arcadia "Cady" Day wakes in a hospital after experiencing what can only be called a psychic episode, she finds her family in tatters. With her twin sister gone, her dad moved out, her mom's spiraling depression, and her sister's boyfriend, Cane, hardly able to look at her. The only bright spot in her life is Bryan Sullivan, the new guy in school when he is around, Cady can almost pretend she's a regular girl, living a normal life; when he's not, she's bombarded with wild, baffling mood swings. As her home life collapses and her emotional control slips away, Cady begins to suspect that her first psychic episode was just the beginning. 

This story is sad Cady's twin sister Avalon "Lony" dies tragically by being run over by a train one night and Cady physically feels the accident and goes faints. Right before the accident, Cady's parents were having problems and their Dad moved out. After the heartbreaking funeral it takes Cady a couple weeks before she is ready to go back to school. The new guy Bryan at school calls her and tells her he knows how she feels cause his older brother Jesse died last year he and Bryan both have hemophilia a disease that causes the blood not to clot right and ask if she be back at school soon. He talks her into going and he picks her up but her anxiety level is through the roof and when Cady goes to her locker which happens to be beside her sisters she sees the memorial of flowers and pictures other students left.  

Cady totally loses it and tears down the pictures and kicks the flowers and Bryan takes her home. Cady does not return to school until the next week. Cady's mom is taking her daughter's death really hard locking herself in her bedroom and taking medicine and drinking a lot. Aaron is taking the loss very badly but he hides to well that Cady does not find out how bad he is doing until later into the book. She goes to the pet shelter where she and a friend help out and she takes a few of the dogs out for a walk but while on it she feels like something is one with one named Lucy. Cady feels the dog's stomach and gets a buzzing vibration and she thinks it might have a tumor or something. So she runs back talks to the doctor and asks her to run some test on the dog, of course, the doctor thinks she crazy but agrees.  

She talks to her friend Bronwyn that night and Bryan calls and Cady tells him all about the dog and that she has to go to the therapist.  It is the day Cady has to go talk to the therapist her parents both show up to support their daughter. When they leave the office Cady's mom has her stop at the store to get more medicine and booze Cady knows she should tell her brother and dad about her mom's problem but doesn't yet. She goes to eat and the mall with her friend and buys a shirt for Bryan but in the story, it never says she ever gave it to him weird cause they never make it to Christmas. Then she goes to visit her dad and tells him about mom and he agrees to look into her problem. 

The Sunday before Cady will go back to school Bryan calls and ask her out they eat ice cream and she asks him about his hemophilia and if he scared about getting cut. He tells her about his life and being homeschooled for most of it and having to take medication and how he had to be careful whatever he did and he dropped off at home.  When she gets to school again she has problems with feeling other's emotions but she did not know what was happening at the time. At lunch, Bryan sat with Cady and her friends and they got along well. 

She walked home from school and her neighbor calls her name. This neighbor named Jinx (Jennifer) who is a telepath, which means she can read other peoples' thought. She tells Cady she knows what been happing to her, and she has a special gift of being an empath which means she can feel other people's feelings. Of she thinks this lady is crazy and runs out of the house but after a few weeks when it does not get any better she returns to the neighbor and listen to what she says about how Cady's and Lony's Auras connected and hers got stretched out so anyone who comes within it she can feel their emotions. Jinx starts to help Cady's mind block so she does not hear everyone's emotions. Cady at first is very confused and lost at how to deal with all these invading emotions but she gets the hang of filtering out all the feelings.  

Cady comes home from school and Bryan calls and they go out for pizza and she learned her empath range was about 10 feet. When he brought her home they have their first kiss which was in their minds amazing. But the next day at lunch she finds out he not taking her to homecoming she gets all mad about it and won't let him explain. He tracks her down later at her house and tells her the story of him talking to his friends back home and his ex-girlfriend Monica comes up with an idea to fly in and be his date for the dance and this was planned before he met Cady. Of course, Bryan has a plan for this which entails Cady's brother Aaron to be Monica's date so he can take Cady. 

Well Cady has nothing to wear for the dance so she takes one from her sister's closet the two couples eat dinner before heading to the dance and it is obvious that Monica still has feelings for Bryan and when they arrive at the dance the cheerleaders put together a video slide show of Lony which Candy can't watch so she steps out of the room outside and runs into Cady's old boyfriend Cane. That when he tells her the story about breaking up with Lony right before the accident and things get somber and intense and they end up kissing but Cady pulls away knowing she with Bryan. Well Cane all upset and drunk and drives away. 

She tells Bryan and he and Aaron and Monica leave to find Cane at The Mines of Spain where Avalon's accident happened. When they finally spot him up on a cliff Bryan climbs up there to save him but as they are walking down they both fall and get hurt. Cady rushes over to them and Cane's leg is broken and Bryan is bleeding and he not going to make it to the hospital because of his disease. But Cady tells him not to say his final goodbyes and puts her hands over his wound and heals him with her power. Everyone there is in awe, shock, and disbelief at what she has done but. once Bryan is okay Cady wants to help Cane so first they have to straighten his leg and she has to heal him too. Once she is finished she passes out. 

Cady wakes up in her bedroom and has a massive headache Monica gives her some aspirin and tells her Cane went home and she went back to sleep. Later Bryan came in and woke her up and her brother and Cane came in bringing food. She then went into explaining to them what happened last night and how she became the way she is. After she finished they still were skeptical but since they witnessed it first hand they had to believe her. Then Cane wanted to talk to her alone and make sure he knew she was with Bryan but asked her if she knew when they first met and she no and he said he has to tell her sometime when her boyfriend was not outside the door. 

Cane also said he is not sorry he kissed her just sorry he was drunk at the time then he left. She was confused about her feelings for Cane were they really hers or just his reflexing off of him. She remembers Bryan was still there and opened the door he had to take Monica to the airport. She could feel his jealous which he tried to hide he kissed her and left. Later their Dad came over to talk about their mom and tell them she was going to rehab to help her with her depression and substance abuse and their dad would be moving back in until their mom gets out. She got really mad at her mom and told her off for basically crawling in a whole and forgetting about them she said goodbye to her daughter and left. Aaron comes in and says "Where do we start? I grinned. I think it's time for you to meet the neighbor." 

So I hope the author of this book decides to write a sequel since the book left a few questions unanswered. Like Cady did not give Bryan the T-shirt she bought for him since they did not get to Christmas. The question Cane ask Cady about how they met remains and what happens to Cady's mother since she is going off to rehab to get help for her problems. I enjoyed this book and seeing how the tragedy of one sister dying brings along Cady's gift and how she falls in love with Bryan, but not liking her mixed feelings she is having about Cane now. All in all, it was a good book. 

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Hi all sorry I been gone for a while been trying fig out what to do with this blog. I have been trying to work on my book idea more but slow...