Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Life is more complicated than it seems

I hope you all like this post and please comment on the blog. Sorry, it took me so long to post this one.  Sorry, it is so long I need to find a way to summarize the story better or just tell you my thoughts on how I liked it. 

Seventeen-year-old Grace grows up knowing she’s different, but she always recognized it as a mother who didn’t want her, a father who abandoned her, and a curse that sets her apart even with those struggles, her grandfather remained her rock and confidant. Her life forever shatters the day her grandfather dies. His funeral sets off a chain of events; making Grace question everything she’s ever known to be true and doesn’t know whom to trust. She inherits his house, part of his money, his Guardian, and something that ties them together.

Just before Grace’s 18th birthday, she is shoved into a world she couldn’t comprehend existed and does everything she can to prevent the destiny suddenly forced upon her. She’s been chosen for greatness, but at what cost? With eyes now open, she must choose to either be Chosen or watch those around her undergo the consequences. Torn between the man that has to protect her and the one sent to destroy her, she hovers on the edge of decision, trying to come to grips with who she is, what she wants, and what all of that means for her, those she loves and the rest of mankind.

Grace had a tough life living without her dad and a mom who was too scared of something coming after her daughter she distanced herself away. The only person Grace could turn to was her grandfather but his death and her upcoming birthday started the process of her becoming fully Chosen. She had no idea what her grandfather was until his death and received the inheritance of the house and owner of something secret about Pandora. Her grandfather wrote her a letter, a key, and instructions to go to the bank to open a safe deposit box before her birthday and take the item. She thinks all this is a bit weird but it gets more confusing. 

She finds out Quentin is her Guardian Angel, not a practicing lawyer, and tells her the whole story of her and her grandfather and his ancestors being part Nephilim(angel) Chosen to protect Pandora's jar. During this time she meets this guy named Darius and develops a crush on him but unknown to her he is a fallen angel. Also around this time while hanging out with her friend Emily she meets a guy named Zeke who likes her but she just wants to be friends with him. 

She had a meeting with her grandfather's attorney to get the information about his will her mother was in the room as well. She read who got what from her grandfather's estate and was unhappy to see her father's name on this list since she hated him for walking out on her and her mom. What Grace doesn't know yet is why her dad had to leave to protect her so the fallen could not find her. 

After she left the office she read the letter her grandfather left her telling her to take the backpack with her to the bank and to take Quentin with her and trust and listen to him. Right after that she called Quentin and ask him to meet her at the bank. She went in alone when she opened the box she saw a silver bag but did not see how to open it once she touched it the bag opened. What she held was a container of some kind and it wrote the words Pandora on the side. Next someone entered the room a Guardian. Limye says they choose well and to call her if Grace ever needs her and tells her it's their job to protect Pandora's Jar. 

She leaves the bank and says to Quentin he has the answers she is seeking. Once back home Grace and Quentin start talking about everything that she needs to know to be chosen. He also told her they needed to start her training so she could learn to fight the fallen.
She thinks Quentin is crazy and storms off. She went to school and noticed something off and ran into Limye in the bathroom the conversation was awkward, to say the least, and it did not end there. 

She then witnesses her friend Amanda kissing a teacher and the girls walked off to lunch together. After school, Grace saw shadows of blobs growling and when she got home Quentin told her they were Shadow Hounds. He also said she changed into a chosen before she turned 18 and she knew because the Seneschal band on his arm that link him to her completed its change. 

He told Grace it was time for her to move into the Manor with her mom and he wanted him to drop out of school she was upset by this and refused to do that. He just wanted to protect her and remove as many innocent bystanders in the process. She was surprised that her mom agreed so fast to moving and not even arguing but what Grace does not know yet her mom knows all about the guardian chosen situation until later that night.  

Grace went out with her friends to listen to Emily's boyfriend Tommy's band play and Darius just happened to be the lead singer in the band headlining the show. She finally gave him her name after he beds her. When they were driving home the fallen ran into their car Quentin saw the whole thing and jumped out of his car and ran over and pulled open Grace's door and pulling her out. He was driving her away in his car when she woke up and wanted to make sure her friends were okay he fought with her over this but relented in the end. 

Then she had a dream with Darius in it he is a soul seeker and has the ability to get into her dreams. Quentin wanted to give Grace a tour and told her to grab Pandora. He took her down to a secret part of the house where there was a hallway with three doors one that took her to her old house one to the apartment Quentin has in town. The hidden part even had a kitchen and bedroom but the most important part was locked with security measures where Pandora would be kept and there was a gym. Where they would be training in.

She went back to school and saw her friends and how beat up they looked from the accident and Grace got into a fight with Amanda. Later that night at home Grace walked down to the gym where Quentin just happened to be working out with just shorts on. When he saw her and felt her butterflies in her stomach he walked over to her and they shared a passionate kiss. Quentin broke it off and apologize for it because he is her Guardian and not suppose to get romantically involved with her. 

She went to school came home and Quentin said they need to start her training An evil relative came over to her grandfather's house trying to sell stuff that now belonged to Grace she kicked Rose out. She went out to a party and Darius happened to be there and when she got really drunk Quentin came in to take her home. When they got there she found out her father was back and had been spending time with her mom.

Her parents then went about explaining why her father left them when she was a kid. But she got mad and left before they finished and was upset at Quentin because he knew the truth. She got in her car and went back toward the party but Darius came to the car grab some beer and told her where to drive to a lake. They shared a small light kiss until it turned into her birthday and he drove her home.

When she woke up with a hangover she was not upset being too groggy. Her mom finally was able to explain about Grace's dad and say she really loved her daughter and did not hate Grace. Darius called her and asked her out on a date for her birthday. When he picked her up he brought in a bag to put her shoes in because they would be riding on his motorcycle.

The next day their training finally began in the weeks following she spent her time with school, training, and seeing Darius on occasion. Quentin became cold and stopped being too friendly with Grace trying to hide his feelings for her. Then one day Darius ask to go out with Grace but his friends Lux and Ari would be joining them. His friends did not seem to like her much of course hey were fallen like him but Grace does not know that yet about any of them. 

Then after she gets home her friend Amanda shows up soaking wet apparently her affair with another married man went badly he dumped her and she is pregnant. Which she decides to go have aborted. Amanda will stay a Grace's house from now on since her mother kicked her out. Grace's training got reduced to once a week since reached a black belt level but she worried about Quentin why he stopped talking to her. The days flew by Grace going to school and spending all her spare time with Darius. 

One day after school she saw the shadows again and Darius just happened to be outside on his bike Quentin was there too but the did not even look at him. She ran and jumped on the bike and Darius took her to her old house and she was confused about how he knew where it was. His father comes out of the house and he and Quentin talk they all run into the house to the underground area so they can take the tunnel back to the other house. 

She couldn't sleep that night and go to the kitchen and Quentin was there he asked if she had planned the next day. He wanted to take her to a movie she said yes with Darius and he got mad and told her to stay away from him. She finally found out he knew what her power was and she made the mistake of touching him and feeling how he felt about her that he really wanted her and said she was worth falling for and he finally tells her what Darius is a fallen. 

She did not want to see Darius now so when he texted her she told him she was sick. Later she ran to find Quentin to talk he was in the gym. He told her he broken a rule and was awaiting a verdict if he is removed as her guardian or not. She stayed home from school but later decided to go. When she was leaving school to go home with Quentin Darius was there and wanted to talk but she ran to the car and told him to drive away. Darius chased after them and found her at the house. Quentin did not want her talking to him but she was able to get him to agree. Darius apologized but she did not want to hear it and told him to leave and not to return. 

Sometime in the night Pandora called to her and told her to put her in the backpack. Quentin was watching for Grace at school and suddenly got summoned away to the council and was able to send her a message to let her know. With Pandora safe in the trunk of her car, she let Amanda take her car home and she would get a ride with Quentin but he was not in his car because he was called away.

Darius was outside waiting for thou but she saw Zeke and ran toward him asking for a ride home. Then two fallen jumped into the car and kidnapped them. She woke up to Zeke talking to her and then a fallen came in and tortured Zeke until Grace agreed to tell him what he wanted. Then an explosion happened the Calvary had arrived to save them they fought their way out. They got into Quentin's Jag and drove away 

They left Zeke with Lux and Ari at his damaged car then when she got home her car was not there and she got scared that they had found Amanda and her father was missing. Quentin noticed Pandora was gone and Grace told him she was with Amanda in her trunk. Next Darius shows up with her father Richard. Quentin told Darius he and the others needed to stay at the house because they just went rogue and she asked why? He said because he would not let anything happen to her and his friends followed him and they kissed. Then she asked why Quentin was not at the school and he told her he was summoned to the Consulate and stood trial for breaking rules, but he only got a warning.  

Amanda shows up later saying she felt like something was telling her to stay away. Then she ran outside to get Pandora and say she tell Amanda about it. Epilogue Zeke was in the hospital for a while and she told him and Amanda the whole story and they began training too at Quentin's urging. Darius did not like Zeke and of course Darius, Lux, and Ari moved into the secret apartment. Quentin told Grace one night he approves of Darius and would be okay with it if she wanted to still be with him. One night Grace got served some papers from her cousin Rose. 

 This story was very good it a new twist on the whole Guardian Angel angle usually in other books I'd read about Angels the girl stays in love with her Guardian and he almost always falls for her but not this time she falls in love with two men but chooses the man who started out as Fallen. So I can't wait to see if the book will have a sequel or not cause it does leave it open for one. So much more story to tell.

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Hi all sorry I been gone for a while been trying fig out what to do with this blog. I have been trying to work on my book idea more but slow...