1. College at eighteen
2. Career at twenty-two
3. Marriage at twenty-four
4. Kids at twenty-six
For Kelly, life didn’t follow the order after
step two. After a hard day of corporate climbing in Lincoln, Nebraska, Kelly
slips into a vintage nightgown and goes to sleep. The next thing she knows
she’s in a dream maybe. The annoying, stone-cold Captain Duran might be what
she’s not looking for, but what she needs. She knows it's only her subconscious
producing the commanding and handsome man who orders his way into her heart so
she dreads when her alarm clock will yank her from her heart’s desire.
In Iraq, Duran had come to grips with the fact
that he would be alone for the rest of his military career, but Kelly turns his
orderly life upside down when she appears in his tent. The woman is more than
interesting but is also crazy. He doesn't want to like the hard-nosed woman
that keeps popping up in his coat, but maybe he's crazy too
Kelly who has a cooperate job at Temme International as the Senior Marketing Analyst. She recently broke her engagement with Mark and he later married someone else. She wanted to get married and have a child her #3 and #4 on her list or plan for life. Captain Duran is a marine in Iraq with his troops and in three months he got to go home. Kelly has the white long elegant nightgown she has had for years but never worn it. She decided tonight she would finally put it on and when she bought it she instantly loved it and when she touched the fabric it gave her a static shock.
Kelly was in the middle of a dream when someone said cap? Duran was also dreaming at the time of his ex-wife who could not handle him being gone so much so she filed for divorce. Captain Duran wakes up to Sergeant Larsen saying the Colonel wanted to see him and said there is a woman in his bed. They were all confused about how she got there she of course thought she was still dreaming. Cap thought she was a soldier and she said she was not one she was very confused and stumbled outside and wondered where she was and found out she was in the middle east.
When the medic Talbit arrived her vitals were good and thought the cap was lucky to have an unknown woman in his bed and was very willing to take her off his hands. Kelly was dreaming again but was waken up by the sound of the men arguing. she instantly disliked doc Talbit and thought of Broan as her stern father and he asks her name and how she got here of course she did not know how she got into the country. Of course, they thought she was crazy. She told them last night she went to sleep in her bed in Nebraska and woke up here. She told them she was still dreaming and would wake up soon.
The Col was upset and told the cap to get her some clothes and have one of the female soldiers guard her in case she is a spy and he left. Cap went to get her some clothes to wear when a siren went off he grabbed put her on the ground and covered her with his body. They had to get to their post but had no one to watch Kelly so cap told her to stay in the tent and he would be back later to get her.
When he got back to Kelly there was debris all over the fallen tent he got they got her out and she hugs him and did not want to ever let go. They got the tent up and she finally changed out of the nightgown he had to carry her to the women's side of the camp. He called to Lieutenant Pendle and told her someone needs to guard her even though she has done nothing wrong yet expect to end up in Iraq somehow. Pendle wanted to interrogate her but that was going overboard. So Private Coleman got the joy of babysitting Kelly and she was very unhappy to do this on her day off.
Kelly and Coleman started talking and Kelly told her the story of how she got here and that she is dreaming. Coleman gave Kelly some flip flops so she could follow her and get some laundry done and when they got back to the tent the private got chewed out by Pen because they left but Kelly told her where to put it. Kelly put her nightgown back on and went to sleep in the tent but she did not stay there she ended up in a cap bed again. So somehow this nightgown was transporting her to different places when she fell asleep.
He still thought she was crazy and wondered how she got back in his bed and away from Coleman. Duran did not have to wait long because the private entered saying she lost Kelly and said she just disappeared. They are thought this was crazy but she did not have any shoes on and no one in camp saw her outside. He started having feelings for this strange woman but he needed sleep and even though he wanted her to stay it would not happen. So he had Coleman take her back to her tent and he couldn't believe Kelly thought this all was a dream.
Back in Coleman's tent, Kelly wanted to lay down but that was not going to happen Coleman put her in a chair and handed her a book to read afraid if Kelly fell asleep again she would disappear again. Duran was heading to go get briefed on another attack coming when Larsen came over saying Kelly was gone and Coleman was frantic. Kelly was not in his tent this time she was found wandering around away from camp. Kelly was dreaming again was in a cap tent but he wasn't there so she saw some sandals and left and started to look for him but ran into the enemy. Cap found her and took her back to his tent. They argued a bit and she still insisted she was dreaming. She asked why he left her the sandals and he said he didn't and had no idea where they came from.
The colonel again asks if Kelly was a spy since she walked right into the enemy but she said she wasn't. He began to interrogate her asking her name where she lives and who she works for. They lasted for several hours finally she was allowed to leave the cap took her back to his tent. Coleman was too tired to watch her this time and cap could not do it so he reluctantly let dr. Talbit take her with him to the surgical tent Kelly did not like this idea one bit.
Talbit showed her the hospital and she even had to help with a wounded soldier she did not like this one bit she wanted to be back with a cap. Duran found then in the mess hall and followed him back to his tent and he told her she would be leaving tomorrow on the transport. She had an and figure out her dream she started with Pendle "You represent me at work. Stern hard-nosed, quick to interrogate but slow to understand others' feelings." She here to show Kelly what she needs to change. Col represents Kelly's fear of her father and their relationship needs to change. Talbit shows her she needs to step out of her comfort zone and lastly cap he represents her perfect number 3 a husband and someday father to her children but to her, they are not real it is just a dream to her.
Duran then took her back to Coleman's tent to go to sleep. Kelly asked for her gown but Coleman had it locked up. Mattie and some of the other woman soldiers were trying to get Coleman's locker open learning that Kelly disappears when she is wearing the gown and they thought it was a lie. They gave Kelly her gown and she put it on and was gone.
She was in his bed again and he was not there she saw some old sneakers and put them on and walk out to find a cap. When she saw him she ran toward him they were talking and discussing how she vanished again when a sniper started shooting. One of the bullets hit her and she went limp in his arms. Talbit arrived and began to inspect her wound and she was gone in a blink of an eye. They thought she went to his tent but she was nowhere to be found
She woke up on the floor in her bedroom and was scared because she noticed she had really been shot and did not know how it was possible since it was just a dream. She was able to get to the intercom and call for help. Duran woke up in the hospital and Talbit told him he found Kelly she was in Nebraska in the hospital and was found shot in her condo.
Talbit asks when he would leave the cap was confused about how could he show up at Kelly's and tell her he was not a dream and he thought he wait for his 3 months to be over before contacting her. Kelly woke in the hospital thinking her alarm was going off the nurse told her the military had called about her and wondered if she knew someone in it. Her gown was missing.
Duran had to go talk to his CO and he asks did she really vanish and cap said one second she was in my arms her blood all over me the next she was gone. Duran gave him the scenario reenactment envelope and he would give it to the investigator. When Lt Col LaMans arrived she was met by Duran and Talbit. She was given a list of personnel that was closely related to Kelly's disappearance she would interview them later. First, she wanted to see the reenactment first hand so Duran showed her. After she interviewed everyone she told Duran to pack his things they were taking a trip to Lincoln Nebraska.
Kelly got woke up to a dr. and a detective in her room and wanted to ask her some questions. He asks how she got shot she said in her dream she told them she was dreaming of Iraq and wondered how she got shot with an Iranian bullet. Soon LaMans showed up to ask some questions. Kelly told her about her dreams of Iraq and told her about her gown and that they could not find it. LaMans wanted Kelly to tell her dream to someone else and he came into the room. She saw Cap and ask if she was dreaming and he said it was not a dream at all. LaMans ask them both if she was in his camp and they said yes. Then they kissed and she finally realized it was not a dream.
In the Epilogue on the author's website, Kelly and Duran got married and she was pregnant. Larsen and Coleman got married and Pendle was engaged to Captain Tuttle who came with LaMans to the camp. Of course, they never found the nightgown.
This was a sweet romantic book of two people finding love in a very unusual way with the aid of a magical nightgown.