Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Strange things happen when you put this nightgown on and your not dreaming.

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Kelly Goins’ life didn't match her four-point plan.

1. College at eighteen
2. Career at twenty-two
3. Marriage at twenty-four
4. Kids at twenty-six

For Kelly, life didn’t follow the order after step two. After a hard day of corporate climbing in Lincoln, Nebraska, Kelly slips into a vintage nightgown and goes to sleep. The next thing she knows she’s in a dream maybe. The annoying, stone-cold Captain Duran might be what she’s not looking for, but what she needs. She knows it's only her subconscious producing the commanding and handsome man who orders his way into her heart so she dreads when her alarm clock will yank her from her heart’s desire.

In Iraq, Duran had come to grips with the fact that he would be alone for the rest of his military career, but Kelly turns his orderly life upside down when she appears in his tent. The woman is more than interesting but is also crazy. He doesn't want to like the hard-nosed woman that keeps popping up in his coat, but maybe he's crazy too

Kelly who has a cooperate job at Temme International as the Senior Marketing Analyst. She recently broke her engagement with Mark and he later married someone else. She wanted to get married and have a child her #3 and #4 on her list or plan for life. Captain Duran is a marine in Iraq with his troops and in three months he got to go home. Kelly has the white long elegant nightgown she has had for years but never worn it. She decided tonight she would finally put it on and when she bought it she instantly loved it and when she touched the fabric it gave her a static shock.    

Kelly was in the middle of a dream when someone said cap? Duran was also dreaming at the time of his ex-wife who could not handle him being gone so much so she filed for divorce. Captain Duran wakes up to Sergeant Larsen saying the Colonel wanted to see him and said there is a woman in his bed. They were all confused about how she got there she of course thought she was still dreaming. Cap thought she was a soldier and she said she was not one she was very confused and stumbled outside and wondered where she was and found out she was in the middle east. 

When the medic Talbit arrived her vitals were good and thought the cap was lucky to have an unknown woman in his bed and was very willing to take her off his hands. Kelly was dreaming again but was waken up by the sound of the men arguing. she instantly disliked doc Talbit and thought of Broan as her stern father and he asks her name and how she got here of course she did not know how she got into the country. Of course, they thought she was crazy. She told them last night she went to sleep in her bed in Nebraska and woke up here. She told them she was still dreaming and would wake up soon. 

The Col was upset and told the cap to get her some clothes and have one of the female soldiers guard her in case she is a spy and he left. Cap went to get her some clothes to wear when a siren went off he grabbed put her on the ground and covered her with his body. They had to get to their post but had no one to watch Kelly so cap told her to stay in the tent and he would be back later to get her. 

When he got back to Kelly there was debris all over the fallen tent he got they got her out and she hugs him and did not want to ever let go. They got the tent up and she finally changed out of the nightgown he had to carry her to the women's side of the camp. He called to Lieutenant Pendle and told her someone needs to guard her even though she has done nothing wrong yet expect to end up in Iraq somehow. Pendle wanted to interrogate her but that was going overboard. So Private Coleman got the joy of babysitting Kelly and she was very unhappy to do this on her day off. 

 Kelly and Coleman started talking and Kelly told her the story of how she got here and that she is dreaming. Coleman gave Kelly some flip flops so she could follow her and get some laundry done and when they got back to the tent the private got chewed out by Pen because they left but Kelly told her where to put it. Kelly put her nightgown back on and went to sleep in the tent but she did not stay there she ended up in a cap bed again. So somehow this nightgown was transporting her to different places when she fell asleep. 

He still thought she was crazy and wondered how she got back in his bed and away from Coleman. Duran did not have to wait long because the private entered saying she lost Kelly and said she just disappeared. They are thought this was crazy but she did not have any shoes on and no one in camp saw her outside. He started having feelings for this strange woman but he needed sleep and even though he wanted her to stay it would not happen. So he had Coleman take her back to her tent and he couldn't believe Kelly thought this all was a dream. 

Back in Coleman's tent, Kelly wanted to lay down but that was not going to happen Coleman put her in a chair and handed her a book to read afraid if Kelly fell asleep again she would disappear again. Duran was heading to go get briefed on another attack coming when Larsen came over saying Kelly was gone and Coleman was frantic. Kelly was not in his tent this time she was found wandering around away from camp. Kelly was dreaming again was in a cap tent but he wasn't there so she saw some sandals and left and started to look for him but ran into the enemy. Cap found her and took her back to his tent. They argued a bit and she still insisted she was dreaming. She asked why he left her the sandals and he said he didn't and had no idea where they came from. 

The colonel again asks if Kelly was a spy since she walked right into the enemy but she said she wasn't. He began to interrogate her asking her name where she lives and who she works for. They lasted for several hours finally she was allowed to leave the cap took her back to his tent. Coleman was too tired to watch her this time and cap could not do it so he reluctantly let dr. Talbit take her with him to the surgical tent Kelly did not like this idea one bit. 

Talbit showed her the hospital and she even had to help with a wounded soldier she did not like this one bit she wanted to be back with a cap. Duran found then in the mess hall and followed him back to his tent and he told her she would be leaving tomorrow on the transport. She had an and figure out her dream she started with Pendle "You represent me at work. Stern hard-nosed, quick to interrogate but slow to understand others' feelings." She here to show Kelly what she needs to change. Col represents Kelly's fear of her father and their relationship needs to change. Talbit shows her she needs to step out of her comfort zone and lastly cap he represents her perfect number 3 a husband and someday father to her children but to her, they are not real it is just a dream to her. 

Duran then took her back to Coleman's tent to go to sleep. Kelly asked for her gown but Coleman had it locked up. Mattie and some of the other woman soldiers were trying to get Coleman's locker open learning that Kelly disappears when she is wearing the gown and they thought it was a lie. They gave Kelly her gown and she put it on and was gone. 

She was in his bed again and he was not there she saw some old sneakers and put them on and walk out to find a cap. When she saw him she ran toward him they were talking and discussing how she vanished again when a sniper started shooting. One of the bullets hit her and she went limp in his arms. Talbit arrived and began to inspect her wound and she was gone in a blink of an eye. They thought she went to his tent but she was nowhere to be found

She woke up on the floor in her bedroom and was scared because she noticed she had really been shot and did not know how it was possible since it was just a dream. She was able to get to the intercom and call for help. Duran woke up in the hospital and Talbit told him he found Kelly she was in Nebraska in the hospital and was found shot in her condo. 

Talbit asks when he would leave the cap was confused about how could he show up at Kelly's and tell her he was not a dream and he thought he wait for his 3 months to be over before contacting her. Kelly woke in the hospital thinking her alarm was going off the nurse told her the military had called about her and wondered if she knew someone in it. Her gown was missing. 

Duran had to go talk to his CO and he asks did she really vanish and cap said one second she was in my arms her blood all over me the next she was gone. Duran gave him the scenario reenactment envelope and he would give it to the investigator. When Lt Col LaMans arrived she was met by Duran and Talbit. She was given a list of personnel that was closely related to Kelly's disappearance she would interview them later. First, she wanted to see the reenactment first hand so Duran showed her. After she interviewed everyone she told Duran to pack his things they were taking a trip to Lincoln Nebraska. 

Kelly got woke up to a dr. and a detective in her room and wanted to ask her some questions. He asks how she got shot she said in her dream she told them she was dreaming of Iraq and wondered how she got shot with an Iranian bullet. Soon LaMans showed up to ask some questions. Kelly told her about her dreams of Iraq and told her about her gown and that they could not find it. LaMans wanted Kelly to tell her dream to someone else and he came into the room. She saw Cap and ask if she was dreaming and he said it was not a dream at all. LaMans ask them both if she was in his camp and they said yes. Then they kissed and she finally realized it was not a dream. 

In the Epilogue on the author's website, Kelly and Duran got married and she was pregnant. Larsen and Coleman got married and Pendle was engaged to Captain Tuttle who came with LaMans to the camp. Of course, they never found the nightgown.

This was a sweet romantic book of two people finding love in a very unusual way with the aid of a magical nightgown. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

When Tragedy Strike's Lend a Helping Hand

Hi sorry, it been a while since my last blog post. I just hadn't felt like and could not decide which book to review next. As always my reviews do contain spoilers. Please click on the ads to help me earn money or you can donate to support my blog by clicking the PayPal donate button.

Monica Gardner is starting over, the broken-hearted St. Louis native has nothing left at home any longer; her future is being an ER doctor at a New Orleans hospital. Her first day makes for a bumpy start as she repeatedly runs into handsome but quick-tempered Dr. Elijah Holmes a man who could make her change her mind about finding true love.

For years, Dr. Eli Holmes has been living up to his own high expectations and is burning himself out in the process. The only time this “Super Doc” ob-gyn slows down is to notice the beautiful eyes of a newcomer, Dr. Gardner. He’s pleased to know that she’s more than just a pretty face, and she’s also an ace physician. When they work together, sparks fly. But with both Monica and Eli trying to hard not to fall in love, they realize they can’t resist this affair of the heart.

This story about two doctors who work in New Orleans a year after Katrina hit the city. Monica moved to get away from her past and getting burned he ex-lover. Eli is a swinging bachelor who gained a very salacious reputation that been spread around the hospital which has very little truth to the rumors. His one rule is that he does not date doctors because when he was was younger he had a relationship with one of his teachers that ended in him getting hurt badly. 

 So Super Doc Eli has a great reputation in helping women deliver babies and a few unusual places like a back of a car in the rain. He works long hours like many doctors do he is dedicated to his job. The first official time Eli and Monica meet he confuses her for a nurse since she was wearing pink color scrubs, so he gets angry at her when she is trying to perform a C-section on a pregnant woman.  He first sees in a crowded elevator not knowing she the new ER Doctor. 

Eli during the book also has to deal with an obsessed stalker ex-fling that he wants to get rid of but she has a hard time accepting that he has ended it. Monica has many run-ins with Eli along the way and that is literal since he almost ran her over with his Range Rover several times. So her first day on the job she was mistaken to be a nurse by Dr. Eli and then ask to join a charity committee that he happens to be involved in. 

There also is a secondary story going on in this book about a couple named Amanda and Jeffrey who are seeing Eli cause she is pregnant. Also, she is bipolar which she inherited from her mother, and is afraid to tell her husband about it in fear he will leave her to raise the baby alone. The couple goes through many trials in the book she accuses her husband of cheating on her which is ridiculous cause he loves his wife and child and they have fought so hard to conceive the baby. Her delusions are a side effect of her disorder eventually the baby is born after she has to go on bed rest from having anemia and she finally confides in her husband about her illness and they go on living happily with a new baby. 

She ran into Elijah again when she went to the hospital gym he was there hitting the punching bag and it almost collided with her body. Then the next day they meet again at the monthly charity board meeting. Monica agreed to head up the annual charity banquet since no one else in the room spoke up plus she thought it would help her gain some recognition and respect in her new job.  After the formal meeting is over Dr. Slessinger has a private talk with Dr. Eli and Dr. Monica about the banquet. It now will turn into a benefit to save and raise money to keep their Parenting Center up and running.  

Eli thinks that there is no way they can raise the money they need for this endeavor but Monica is up for the challenge and is willing to do almost anything to save the program. When she talks to him at lunch the next day he is totally pessimistic about being able to save the program while getting some info on her background in St. Louis and also tells her she should not eat food for the hospital cafeteria. Eli has a lot of families and they get together a lot and have food. His mother is trying to involve herself in his love life and invites his high school GF Tosha over for dinner he does not want anything to do with her anymore. So he comes up with a plan to get his mom off his back by getting a fake girlfriend. 

After intubating a two-year-old girl Monica decided to go have a word with Eli she waited for him in his office. She made a proposal to him on how to make some money by having a bachelors' auction of single doctors. He was against the idea but he realized if he helped her he could get the fake girlfriend he needed for 3 months in return. He proposed the proposition to her she thought he was crazy at first be in the end she reluctantly accepted. 

At lunch, they met up to talk about the banquet and Eli informed her that being his GF was not just for his family but a full-time deal. He invites her to his niece's birthday party so she can meet the family she was shocked to be seeing them so soon.  On Saturday Eli told his brother Alex all about Monica.   The couple arrived at Eli's mom's house and told her Monica was his girlfriend after the party his mom made sure to remind him about Sunday dinner the next day.

When they got back to Monica's apartment her sister-in-law Nia was waiting she came down to visit and was surprised to see Monica with a man. They showed her around town by taking out to eat and going to a club and Eli said she should sometime try his mom's cooking if she wanted real down-home southern food. They danced together at the club and had some sparks fly they both realized this was turning out to be more than a mere business arrangement but when they got back to her place she refused to admit she was starting to have feelings for him. When Eli went to pick her up the next day she was not there. Monica did not get to spend much time with her friend because Nia had to leave suddenly with a work-related problem. 

He could not find her so he went for a run when he made to his mom's house she was there with the rest of his fam getting ready to eat. So they had an awkward time at the table to make it worse Tosha shows up with dessert when she found out he was seeing Monica she got very upset and stormed out of the house. Eli Drove Nia to the airport and she told him to be good to Monica and gave him her phone number. The next day Eli cornered her to discuss their relationship and they agreed to stop being fake GF/bf and try it for real.

So they started to see each other as much as possible taking things slow. Their official first date started off with them going to paint her apartment but turned into him cooking her dinner at his house which turned into an overnight stay. The next day Eli was getting sent to Mississippi because many of the doctors there went on strike. He did not like that he be away from Monica for who knows how long. Well, she decided to surprise him and showed up at his hotel. They talked about their past relationships not wanting to have any more secrets between them. Yet he did not tell her about the last girl he was with Alicia which later comes up to bite him. 

He was going to be gone for 3 weeks but somehow soon was able to come back and found Monica at the hospital on her day off. They were back at his place and the doorbell rang and it just happened to be Alicia and Monica like women tend to do in books and movies overreact and leave without staying and listening to the man so he can explain things. No, the lady goes all crazy thinking the worst things and she leaves his house and of course when he finds out she gone. He tries calling and calling but she won't answer. 

He goes to her apt to try to find out what happened but of course, she won't answer the door. Of course, her friend Nia gets involved and wants to know what is going on and of course, believes her friend without them knowing the whole story. When they were together the next day after the charity meetings she tells him about his other GF he tries to convince her he has no one else and he ends up kissing her to try to prove to her that she is the only woman for him but she broke it off still. He was so upset he forgot his mom's birthday and had to explain why. Then Nia shows up ready to kick his ass and tells him about Alicia showing up he tries to explain that he broke up with the girl before he got together with Monica. 

The banquet day had arrived and things were not going smoothly the tent was a double book. She talked to Nia and got dressed for the event the food was good entertainment great. She kept locking eyes with Eli in her heart she still wanted to be with him. Then she gets more bad news that half the bachelors for the auction were stuck in Mississippi. She did not know what she was going to do but to her surprise, Alex Eli's brother was one of the bachelor's along with Toby, Jonathan, and Eli himself. Like some other movies and books  
that have had these kinds of auctions in them the girl in love with the guy bids the highest for him so Monica got a date with Eli and they share a kiss and the book is over. 

I enjoyed this romance book about doctors and the city of New Orleans I have visited it twice and I fell in love with the city, its people, and food. There are two other books in this series that focus on each of Eli's brother's Alex and Toby. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Your past can sometimes haunt you and you just need someone to love

I hope you enjoy this one and as always spoiler alert. Sorry if the posts are getting too long I'm trying to summarize the stories better with fewer words. So should I just stop all together with that and give my views on how I liked the book or not or continue the way I have been? 

After Math by Denise Grover Swank 

Before she agreed to tutor Tucker Price, college junior Scarlett Goodwin was introverted, struggling with her social anxiety, and determined to not end up living in a trailer park like her mother and her younger sister. A math major, she goes to her classes, to her job in the tutoring lab, and then hides in the apartment she shares with her friend, Caroline. When Tucker Price, Southern University’s star soccer player enters the equation; her carefully plotted life is thrown off its axis. Tucker is failing College Algebra and his eligibility is in jeopardy, the university chancellor dangles an expensive piece of computer software for the math department if Scarlett agrees to privately tutor him. Tucker’s bad boy, womanizer reputation makes Scarlett cautious of any contact, let alone spending hours in close proximity.

But from her first encounter, she realizes Tucker isn’t the person everyone else sees. He carries a mountain of secrets, which she suspects hold the reason for his self-destructive behavior. But the deeper she examines into the cause of his pain, the deeper she gets sucked into his chaos. Will Scarlett find the happiness she’s looking for, or will she be caught in Tucker’s aftermath?

This book was very interesting I like it when books have a character with my name Scarlett in it since it, not a very common name. This girl is smart at math and helps tutor a jock who has one personality with his friends and the rest of the world but shows a different side when he is with Scarlett. They both have a lot of heartache from their past. Tucker who has been in many different foster homes most which were not very good families after his mother died. Scarlett dealt with a mother who drank and had a string of boyfriends in and out of their lives. 

So when their paths collide it is rocky at first but they both need each other for something. Scarlett who suffers from severe social anxieties feels comforted by Tucker's presence and him of course for the math help and they both need someone to really love and care for them. Scarlett was late to a class and got very upset and just about ran out of the room but ran into Tucker and got embarrassed but did sit down then she left class to go to the math lab where she worked as a tutor with her friend Tina. When Tucker enters the lab Scarlett is confused about why he is there for a tutor and she the lucky one. 
Scarlett noticed that he has very sad eyes. 

He admires Scarlett for her honesty most people tend to lie and placate Tucker. Before Scarlett leaves the lab for the day Dr. Carlisle the teacher in charge of the lab asks her how her session went with Tucker and she said okay that is good. So if your family has money and you play a sport you usually get special treatment. Scarlett lives in an apartment with her friend Caroline who is a fashion major. Scarlett tells her about having to tutor Tucker. When she wakes up in the morning she has an e-mail from Tucker asking when they can get together for tutoring she tells him when she is available and agrees to 3 at the coffee shop on campus.  

She waits for him at the coffee house and of course, he is late so she gets ready to leave right as he shows up with his friends and he is wondering why she is leaving. She gets upset and says she doesn't have time to waste waiting for someone who does really care to get the help she tries to get away from him but he stops her. Finally, she is able to leave and goes to the lab. She has a study group to go to. Before she can leave Tucker shows up and apologizes for earlier and she confused by his split personality. He begs her to give him another chance and wants her because she does not care about his popularity and will not let him walk all over her.

So they set up a schedule to meet two days a week after his class. She wants to meet at the library but he does not like that at all so they decide to meet at Panera(whatever that place is something like a bakery I think). So their first tutor session was the next afternoon at 3. She asks him his major and he says History because he likes the stories about people and the extraordinary they did that are being remembered so they are not forgotten. 

Then she asked if he liked Soccer and no one has ever asked him that he is good at soccer but not sure if he really likes it. Scarlett goes to a party with her friends which she normally doesn't do and has some alcohol to loosen up and meets a nice guy named Daniel who is a business major and Tucker and his friends stumble into the door. Daniel asks if she knows him and she says ya I tutor him. She tells him she wants to get a job working at the CIA. She also tells him why she has to tutor him funding. Then later they decide to dance. They end up kissing she thinks it is nice but not spectacular. It is time for them to leave and Daniel wants to see her again he asks but has no way to give her his phone number so she just tells him her last name and walks out the door. 

She is excited that he will find her and she will see him again She walks outside to feel too hot and the music too loud. Scarlett sees Tucker talking on the phone to someone named Marcel and punches the trashcan in anger he is drunk of course. She offers to drive him home but he realizes he did not drive to the party so they walk to her apartment. When they get there she cleans up the blood on his hands and puts frozen food on it to bring the swelling down. He says she should be a doctor and she tells him she had to do this for her mom who use to get beat up by her boyfriends. 

She keeps insisting on calling one of his friends to come to pick him up but he keeps saying he has no friends no real ones anyway. Then she asked about a roommate and then about calling him a cab, but he just wants to stay at her place for a while and he ends up falling asleep in her bed and leaves in the morning. He tells her Marcel is his brother. Caroline shows up and wants to know what is going on and she tells her Tucker's in her bed and she also tells her about Daniel. she goes back to Tucker and they fight about who will sleep on the couch they end up falling asleep in her bed with him. 

They start to share some kind of emotional connection with each other but neither one at this point know where it will lead. Scarlett feels relaxed in his arms and yearns for this kind of connection, but she knows about his bad-boy reputation and does not want to get hurt by this jock. When she comes out of the shower the next morning he is gone. On Monday after school, Daniel was waiting for her outside her classroom. They go for coffee and he wants to see more of him like going to the movies, but she wants to take it slow. 

She meets Tucker on Tuesday for tutoring and he apologizes for Friday she accepts. He asks her why Scarlett likes math and she says because it has rules and she can be in control and always find the answers. She asks him outright why he acts differently around her than other people, and he says he trusts her. After they are done tutoring he tells ask her to run with him to help her de-stress besides just doing math. So they agree to meet in the gym at 8 that night.

When she shows up she is scared and does not know what to do but Tucker shows her how and they begin running together every now and then he lets her ask some questions about himself that when she finds out he was in foster care. They learn a few things about each other during these times just getting to know each other. He tells her he really wanted to major in Physical Education but he thinks if he goes Pro he could not go back and be a teacher. (That's just crazy talk because many ex-pro athletes have done just that). He is kinda pining on a dream that not his the last foster home he was in their son Jason played soccer and got Tucker into it and they wanted him to peruse it as a career after their run they part ways and agree to meet up again for another tutoring session.

She begins to see Daniel after her first class on Mondays and Wednesday's he asks her out to a movie on Friday but before she could answer Tucker shows up and does not like her being with Daniel. Daniel is upset she is still tutoring him but he ends up leaving. Tucker asks if they are dating she says he wants them to. The guys don't like each other because of some girl. She helps him brush up for a test he has and they part ways.

She wakes up on Friday sick she goes to her first class because she can't miss it. Daniel id outside her class and notice he escorts her to the clinic and she finds out she has strep throat so their so-called date is off. Later that night she gets an e-mail from Tucker asking if she is okay after finding out she was not at the math lab. She lets him know it was not the running but that she got strep. He e-mailed back to ask if she wanted to run on Sunday she replies with a yes. But when she gets there no running happens they work on weight training instead and he has to show her how to use the machine of course. 

That when she meets his other foster brother Jason who doesn't like her and tells her several times and also wants Scarlett to leave Tucker alone because apparently, he has been missing some soccer practices. Daniel meets her outside her class on Monday and finally gives her his number so she can get a hold of him. After she gets done with work Tucker is there waiting to show her he got a B+ on his test and he gives her a present for helping him out. She opens it and finds a clock the face of the clock has equations on it instead of numbers she says she loves it. He tells her if she wants she should go out with Daniel because she deserves a nice guy, but she really wants to go out with Tucker. 

She gets upset that he seems to want to only be friends with her she tries to run away and he is confused about why she gets anger he says he sorry and walks away. The next day during their tutor session he asks if they are still on to run but she says she already has plans after they part ways. Scarlett text Daniel to ask if he wants to do something so they go to a movie. She gets angry when he starts bashing Tucker the date does not go well even though they do kiss she just not feeling anything for him. After he left her at her doorstep she starts to cry and low and behold Tucker jogs by and he comforts her. He wants to go beat up whoever made her cry.

Scarlett and Daniel are getting coffee when Tucker walks in. Daniel sees her reaction to Tucker and asks if she likes him she says she just his tutor. Tucker hears their conversation and gets in a fight with Daniel for he talked to her. Tucker punches Daniel and pulls her out the door and he figures out that Daniel was the one who made her cry. He says he is sorry for messing up her life and she tells him she likes him and they both say they more than like each other. He tells he is not good enough for her but she wants to make that decision for herself she pulls him close wanting to kiss him but he stops her because he does not want to lose her friendship and he thinks if they become more he will screw it up and lose her so he walks away. 

The next tutor session with Tucker is strained after all that has to happen Scarlett breaks down and starts crying Tucker tries to say he sorry and comfort her but it is too much for her and she ends up leaving saying she a not do this anymore. He follows the car and hugs her but he can't have it both ways and she drives away. She tells Caroline she quit being Tucker's tutor. On Friday she goes outside to get out of her apt and Tucker shows up and he tells her how he feels when he is with her. They both realize they are broken and together they are whole and then they kiss and she tugs him to her apt. They enter her room take off their clothes and have sex. He gives him a rule that they can never say the word goodbye. They make love again this time at Tucker's apt. He is still not telling her the whole truth about his past and who his brothers are she does not want him to shut her out but he just can't open up to her. Soon after they start dating it going good for a while until Jason runs into Scarlett and tells her to again stay away from Tucker.  

He comes over and tells her a bit about his past and says she still has some secrets too and she tells him some stuff too. He and Caroline don't get along but the plan to try to at least tolerate each other since he will be around a lot now. He tells her he loves her but he does not expect her to say it back yet. They decide that Scarlett will come to see him play soccer on Saturday. One night he gets a call from Marcel and he tells him to stay put and he will meet him there. He won't tell her any of the details and she thinks this is moving to fast and thinks he can't commit to her if he cannot tell her the truth. Sometimes love is not enough to keep a relationship together. 

See is miserable without Tucker and gets worried on Saturday when he has not arrived yet for the game but he shows up in the nick of time and plays phenomenally. So he bound to get a contract to play for a pro team which worries her because they will be apart for long periods of time and she sees no way of staying together trying to have a long-distance relationship. He gets the news and he will be leaving next week and he finally tells her about Marcel and blames himself for the situation his brother is in now. They fight about how his foster parents wanted him to become a soccer pro and he leaves. 

He has been gone two months and this is the first time Scarlett when to campus to watch him play but it turns out he is out sick with the flu. She gets an anxiety attack when she won't be able to see him play, and walks outside the door. Then she hears her name being called and he is there saying he had to see her, he tells her how sorry he was for hurting her and leaving things like he did, and that he quit the team. He going to come back to school and change his major. He begs her for another chance and is stunned when she tells him she loves him. 

Epilogue: Scarlett is getting ready for her internship interview and is nervous he starts school again and they are now living together. So this story had a happy ending like most do but there were a lot of bumps and turns along the way.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Life is more complicated than it seems

I hope you all like this post and please comment on the blog. Sorry, it took me so long to post this one.  Sorry, it is so long I need to find a way to summarize the story better or just tell you my thoughts on how I liked it. 

Seventeen-year-old Grace grows up knowing she’s different, but she always recognized it as a mother who didn’t want her, a father who abandoned her, and a curse that sets her apart even with those struggles, her grandfather remained her rock and confidant. Her life forever shatters the day her grandfather dies. His funeral sets off a chain of events; making Grace question everything she’s ever known to be true and doesn’t know whom to trust. She inherits his house, part of his money, his Guardian, and something that ties them together.

Just before Grace’s 18th birthday, she is shoved into a world she couldn’t comprehend existed and does everything she can to prevent the destiny suddenly forced upon her. She’s been chosen for greatness, but at what cost? With eyes now open, she must choose to either be Chosen or watch those around her undergo the consequences. Torn between the man that has to protect her and the one sent to destroy her, she hovers on the edge of decision, trying to come to grips with who she is, what she wants, and what all of that means for her, those she loves and the rest of mankind.

Grace had a tough life living without her dad and a mom who was too scared of something coming after her daughter she distanced herself away. The only person Grace could turn to was her grandfather but his death and her upcoming birthday started the process of her becoming fully Chosen. She had no idea what her grandfather was until his death and received the inheritance of the house and owner of something secret about Pandora. Her grandfather wrote her a letter, a key, and instructions to go to the bank to open a safe deposit box before her birthday and take the item. She thinks all this is a bit weird but it gets more confusing. 

She finds out Quentin is her Guardian Angel, not a practicing lawyer, and tells her the whole story of her and her grandfather and his ancestors being part Nephilim(angel) Chosen to protect Pandora's jar. During this time she meets this guy named Darius and develops a crush on him but unknown to her he is a fallen angel. Also around this time while hanging out with her friend Emily she meets a guy named Zeke who likes her but she just wants to be friends with him. 

She had a meeting with her grandfather's attorney to get the information about his will her mother was in the room as well. She read who got what from her grandfather's estate and was unhappy to see her father's name on this list since she hated him for walking out on her and her mom. What Grace doesn't know yet is why her dad had to leave to protect her so the fallen could not find her. 

After she left the office she read the letter her grandfather left her telling her to take the backpack with her to the bank and to take Quentin with her and trust and listen to him. Right after that she called Quentin and ask him to meet her at the bank. She went in alone when she opened the box she saw a silver bag but did not see how to open it once she touched it the bag opened. What she held was a container of some kind and it wrote the words Pandora on the side. Next someone entered the room a Guardian. Limye says they choose well and to call her if Grace ever needs her and tells her it's their job to protect Pandora's Jar. 

She leaves the bank and says to Quentin he has the answers she is seeking. Once back home Grace and Quentin start talking about everything that she needs to know to be chosen. He also told her they needed to start her training so she could learn to fight the fallen.
She thinks Quentin is crazy and storms off. She went to school and noticed something off and ran into Limye in the bathroom the conversation was awkward, to say the least, and it did not end there. 

She then witnesses her friend Amanda kissing a teacher and the girls walked off to lunch together. After school, Grace saw shadows of blobs growling and when she got home Quentin told her they were Shadow Hounds. He also said she changed into a chosen before she turned 18 and she knew because the Seneschal band on his arm that link him to her completed its change. 

He told Grace it was time for her to move into the Manor with her mom and he wanted him to drop out of school she was upset by this and refused to do that. He just wanted to protect her and remove as many innocent bystanders in the process. She was surprised that her mom agreed so fast to moving and not even arguing but what Grace does not know yet her mom knows all about the guardian chosen situation until later that night.  

Grace went out with her friends to listen to Emily's boyfriend Tommy's band play and Darius just happened to be the lead singer in the band headlining the show. She finally gave him her name after he beds her. When they were driving home the fallen ran into their car Quentin saw the whole thing and jumped out of his car and ran over and pulled open Grace's door and pulling her out. He was driving her away in his car when she woke up and wanted to make sure her friends were okay he fought with her over this but relented in the end. 

Then she had a dream with Darius in it he is a soul seeker and has the ability to get into her dreams. Quentin wanted to give Grace a tour and told her to grab Pandora. He took her down to a secret part of the house where there was a hallway with three doors one that took her to her old house one to the apartment Quentin has in town. The hidden part even had a kitchen and bedroom but the most important part was locked with security measures where Pandora would be kept and there was a gym. Where they would be training in.

She went back to school and saw her friends and how beat up they looked from the accident and Grace got into a fight with Amanda. Later that night at home Grace walked down to the gym where Quentin just happened to be working out with just shorts on. When he saw her and felt her butterflies in her stomach he walked over to her and they shared a passionate kiss. Quentin broke it off and apologize for it because he is her Guardian and not suppose to get romantically involved with her. 

She went to school came home and Quentin said they need to start her training An evil relative came over to her grandfather's house trying to sell stuff that now belonged to Grace she kicked Rose out. She went out to a party and Darius happened to be there and when she got really drunk Quentin came in to take her home. When they got there she found out her father was back and had been spending time with her mom.

Her parents then went about explaining why her father left them when she was a kid. But she got mad and left before they finished and was upset at Quentin because he knew the truth. She got in her car and went back toward the party but Darius came to the car grab some beer and told her where to drive to a lake. They shared a small light kiss until it turned into her birthday and he drove her home.

When she woke up with a hangover she was not upset being too groggy. Her mom finally was able to explain about Grace's dad and say she really loved her daughter and did not hate Grace. Darius called her and asked her out on a date for her birthday. When he picked her up he brought in a bag to put her shoes in because they would be riding on his motorcycle.

The next day their training finally began in the weeks following she spent her time with school, training, and seeing Darius on occasion. Quentin became cold and stopped being too friendly with Grace trying to hide his feelings for her. Then one day Darius ask to go out with Grace but his friends Lux and Ari would be joining them. His friends did not seem to like her much of course hey were fallen like him but Grace does not know that yet about any of them. 

Then after she gets home her friend Amanda shows up soaking wet apparently her affair with another married man went badly he dumped her and she is pregnant. Which she decides to go have aborted. Amanda will stay a Grace's house from now on since her mother kicked her out. Grace's training got reduced to once a week since reached a black belt level but she worried about Quentin why he stopped talking to her. The days flew by Grace going to school and spending all her spare time with Darius. 

One day after school she saw the shadows again and Darius just happened to be outside on his bike Quentin was there too but the did not even look at him. She ran and jumped on the bike and Darius took her to her old house and she was confused about how he knew where it was. His father comes out of the house and he and Quentin talk they all run into the house to the underground area so they can take the tunnel back to the other house. 

She couldn't sleep that night and go to the kitchen and Quentin was there he asked if she had planned the next day. He wanted to take her to a movie she said yes with Darius and he got mad and told her to stay away from him. She finally found out he knew what her power was and she made the mistake of touching him and feeling how he felt about her that he really wanted her and said she was worth falling for and he finally tells her what Darius is a fallen. 

She did not want to see Darius now so when he texted her she told him she was sick. Later she ran to find Quentin to talk he was in the gym. He told her he broken a rule and was awaiting a verdict if he is removed as her guardian or not. She stayed home from school but later decided to go. When she was leaving school to go home with Quentin Darius was there and wanted to talk but she ran to the car and told him to drive away. Darius chased after them and found her at the house. Quentin did not want her talking to him but she was able to get him to agree. Darius apologized but she did not want to hear it and told him to leave and not to return. 

Sometime in the night Pandora called to her and told her to put her in the backpack. Quentin was watching for Grace at school and suddenly got summoned away to the council and was able to send her a message to let her know. With Pandora safe in the trunk of her car, she let Amanda take her car home and she would get a ride with Quentin but he was not in his car because he was called away.

Darius was outside waiting for thou but she saw Zeke and ran toward him asking for a ride home. Then two fallen jumped into the car and kidnapped them. She woke up to Zeke talking to her and then a fallen came in and tortured Zeke until Grace agreed to tell him what he wanted. Then an explosion happened the Calvary had arrived to save them they fought their way out. They got into Quentin's Jag and drove away 

They left Zeke with Lux and Ari at his damaged car then when she got home her car was not there and she got scared that they had found Amanda and her father was missing. Quentin noticed Pandora was gone and Grace told him she was with Amanda in her trunk. Next Darius shows up with her father Richard. Quentin told Darius he and the others needed to stay at the house because they just went rogue and she asked why? He said because he would not let anything happen to her and his friends followed him and they kissed. Then she asked why Quentin was not at the school and he told her he was summoned to the Consulate and stood trial for breaking rules, but he only got a warning.  

Amanda shows up later saying she felt like something was telling her to stay away. Then she ran outside to get Pandora and say she tell Amanda about it. Epilogue Zeke was in the hospital for a while and she told him and Amanda the whole story and they began training too at Quentin's urging. Darius did not like Zeke and of course Darius, Lux, and Ari moved into the secret apartment. Quentin told Grace one night he approves of Darius and would be okay with it if she wanted to still be with him. One night Grace got served some papers from her cousin Rose. 

 This story was very good it a new twist on the whole Guardian Angel angle usually in other books I'd read about Angels the girl stays in love with her Guardian and he almost always falls for her but not this time she falls in love with two men but chooses the man who started out as Fallen. So I can't wait to see if the book will have a sequel or not cause it does leave it open for one. So much more story to tell.


Hi all sorry I been gone for a while been trying fig out what to do with this blog. I have been trying to work on my book idea more but slow...