Friday, May 24, 2013

When Tragedy Strike's Lend a Helping Hand

Hi sorry, it been a while since my last blog post. I just hadn't felt like and could not decide which book to review next. As always my reviews do contain spoilers. Please click on the ads to help me earn money or you can donate to support my blog by clicking the PayPal donate button.

Monica Gardner is starting over, the broken-hearted St. Louis native has nothing left at home any longer; her future is being an ER doctor at a New Orleans hospital. Her first day makes for a bumpy start as she repeatedly runs into handsome but quick-tempered Dr. Elijah Holmes a man who could make her change her mind about finding true love.

For years, Dr. Eli Holmes has been living up to his own high expectations and is burning himself out in the process. The only time this “Super Doc” ob-gyn slows down is to notice the beautiful eyes of a newcomer, Dr. Gardner. He’s pleased to know that she’s more than just a pretty face, and she’s also an ace physician. When they work together, sparks fly. But with both Monica and Eli trying to hard not to fall in love, they realize they can’t resist this affair of the heart.

This story about two doctors who work in New Orleans a year after Katrina hit the city. Monica moved to get away from her past and getting burned he ex-lover. Eli is a swinging bachelor who gained a very salacious reputation that been spread around the hospital which has very little truth to the rumors. His one rule is that he does not date doctors because when he was was younger he had a relationship with one of his teachers that ended in him getting hurt badly. 

 So Super Doc Eli has a great reputation in helping women deliver babies and a few unusual places like a back of a car in the rain. He works long hours like many doctors do he is dedicated to his job. The first official time Eli and Monica meet he confuses her for a nurse since she was wearing pink color scrubs, so he gets angry at her when she is trying to perform a C-section on a pregnant woman.  He first sees in a crowded elevator not knowing she the new ER Doctor. 

Eli during the book also has to deal with an obsessed stalker ex-fling that he wants to get rid of but she has a hard time accepting that he has ended it. Monica has many run-ins with Eli along the way and that is literal since he almost ran her over with his Range Rover several times. So her first day on the job she was mistaken to be a nurse by Dr. Eli and then ask to join a charity committee that he happens to be involved in. 

There also is a secondary story going on in this book about a couple named Amanda and Jeffrey who are seeing Eli cause she is pregnant. Also, she is bipolar which she inherited from her mother, and is afraid to tell her husband about it in fear he will leave her to raise the baby alone. The couple goes through many trials in the book she accuses her husband of cheating on her which is ridiculous cause he loves his wife and child and they have fought so hard to conceive the baby. Her delusions are a side effect of her disorder eventually the baby is born after she has to go on bed rest from having anemia and she finally confides in her husband about her illness and they go on living happily with a new baby. 

She ran into Elijah again when she went to the hospital gym he was there hitting the punching bag and it almost collided with her body. Then the next day they meet again at the monthly charity board meeting. Monica agreed to head up the annual charity banquet since no one else in the room spoke up plus she thought it would help her gain some recognition and respect in her new job.  After the formal meeting is over Dr. Slessinger has a private talk with Dr. Eli and Dr. Monica about the banquet. It now will turn into a benefit to save and raise money to keep their Parenting Center up and running.  

Eli thinks that there is no way they can raise the money they need for this endeavor but Monica is up for the challenge and is willing to do almost anything to save the program. When she talks to him at lunch the next day he is totally pessimistic about being able to save the program while getting some info on her background in St. Louis and also tells her she should not eat food for the hospital cafeteria. Eli has a lot of families and they get together a lot and have food. His mother is trying to involve herself in his love life and invites his high school GF Tosha over for dinner he does not want anything to do with her anymore. So he comes up with a plan to get his mom off his back by getting a fake girlfriend. 

After intubating a two-year-old girl Monica decided to go have a word with Eli she waited for him in his office. She made a proposal to him on how to make some money by having a bachelors' auction of single doctors. He was against the idea but he realized if he helped her he could get the fake girlfriend he needed for 3 months in return. He proposed the proposition to her she thought he was crazy at first be in the end she reluctantly accepted. 

At lunch, they met up to talk about the banquet and Eli informed her that being his GF was not just for his family but a full-time deal. He invites her to his niece's birthday party so she can meet the family she was shocked to be seeing them so soon.  On Saturday Eli told his brother Alex all about Monica.   The couple arrived at Eli's mom's house and told her Monica was his girlfriend after the party his mom made sure to remind him about Sunday dinner the next day.

When they got back to Monica's apartment her sister-in-law Nia was waiting she came down to visit and was surprised to see Monica with a man. They showed her around town by taking out to eat and going to a club and Eli said she should sometime try his mom's cooking if she wanted real down-home southern food. They danced together at the club and had some sparks fly they both realized this was turning out to be more than a mere business arrangement but when they got back to her place she refused to admit she was starting to have feelings for him. When Eli went to pick her up the next day she was not there. Monica did not get to spend much time with her friend because Nia had to leave suddenly with a work-related problem. 

He could not find her so he went for a run when he made to his mom's house she was there with the rest of his fam getting ready to eat. So they had an awkward time at the table to make it worse Tosha shows up with dessert when she found out he was seeing Monica she got very upset and stormed out of the house. Eli Drove Nia to the airport and she told him to be good to Monica and gave him her phone number. The next day Eli cornered her to discuss their relationship and they agreed to stop being fake GF/bf and try it for real.

So they started to see each other as much as possible taking things slow. Their official first date started off with them going to paint her apartment but turned into him cooking her dinner at his house which turned into an overnight stay. The next day Eli was getting sent to Mississippi because many of the doctors there went on strike. He did not like that he be away from Monica for who knows how long. Well, she decided to surprise him and showed up at his hotel. They talked about their past relationships not wanting to have any more secrets between them. Yet he did not tell her about the last girl he was with Alicia which later comes up to bite him. 

He was going to be gone for 3 weeks but somehow soon was able to come back and found Monica at the hospital on her day off. They were back at his place and the doorbell rang and it just happened to be Alicia and Monica like women tend to do in books and movies overreact and leave without staying and listening to the man so he can explain things. No, the lady goes all crazy thinking the worst things and she leaves his house and of course when he finds out she gone. He tries calling and calling but she won't answer. 

He goes to her apt to try to find out what happened but of course, she won't answer the door. Of course, her friend Nia gets involved and wants to know what is going on and of course, believes her friend without them knowing the whole story. When they were together the next day after the charity meetings she tells him about his other GF he tries to convince her he has no one else and he ends up kissing her to try to prove to her that she is the only woman for him but she broke it off still. He was so upset he forgot his mom's birthday and had to explain why. Then Nia shows up ready to kick his ass and tells him about Alicia showing up he tries to explain that he broke up with the girl before he got together with Monica. 

The banquet day had arrived and things were not going smoothly the tent was a double book. She talked to Nia and got dressed for the event the food was good entertainment great. She kept locking eyes with Eli in her heart she still wanted to be with him. Then she gets more bad news that half the bachelors for the auction were stuck in Mississippi. She did not know what she was going to do but to her surprise, Alex Eli's brother was one of the bachelor's along with Toby, Jonathan, and Eli himself. Like some other movies and books  
that have had these kinds of auctions in them the girl in love with the guy bids the highest for him so Monica got a date with Eli and they share a kiss and the book is over. 

I enjoyed this romance book about doctors and the city of New Orleans I have visited it twice and I fell in love with the city, its people, and food. There are two other books in this series that focus on each of Eli's brother's Alex and Toby. 

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Hi all sorry I been gone for a while been trying fig out what to do with this blog. I have been trying to work on my book idea more but slow...