Saturday, December 28, 2013

Discussion Question Answers for Anna(the starseed series)

Here are my answers of course some of them did not have a right or wrong answer. I will have another blog post out before the New Year. Please Please if you are reading these posts write me a comment about my blog answer the questions give me some kind of feedback. I'd like to know if you like what you have been reading or not. Also to ensure that I keep this blog going and you enjoy reading my post don't hesitate to donate some money to my Paypal account the link is on the page. Thank You for reading.

Discussion Questions:

1. Did Jared really like Anna or was he just using her? 

This is a tough question to answer I want to believe he had genuine feelings for her, but all the evidence at the end of the book shows he was just using her. He needed to get her away from Steve the guy who had true feelings for her and Jared was just doing what his father told him to do.

2. Why did Anna believe the lies Jessica was spreading and decide not to go with Steve to the Dance?

Anna like most teenage girls tends to be over-emotional and easy to manipulate and confuse and put doubts in their heads. She knew Jessica was a liar and not to be trusted and rather than straight out ask Steve what was going on she chooses to believe the lies.

3. What's up with Michael and Ben are they friends and what is Ben doing is he selling drugs from the company his dad works for?

This question is a bit hard to answer since most of the information about their interaction was not revealed. Ben seemed to be having younger kids deliver and sell drugs for him that he must have gotten from his father who works at a pharmaceutical company. Michael got caught up in wanted to hang out with older boys and help Ben with certain things like stealing the music player. 

4. What will happen to Anna when she returns home?

What we saw in the book she was when she got home to her planet the people she saw in her vision happily greeted her. She will probably tell them about Jared and his father the doctor and how they tried to kill her and she will have to face what she has learned. Will she ever goes back to Earth and See Steve or her other family again I'm not sure but most likely if there is another book coming. 

5. So did the pills Anna started taking for PSTD help her unlock her former memories or was it just a coincidence that they starting coming to her after she took the pills?

Now this question is not hard to answer but can have many different answers I think the pills might have helped a bit, but from what doctor McCormick said that if she took the pills long enough Anna would think they were working and would not get any more memories coming to her. So she would not remember her previous life on Enki. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Discussion Questions Answered for Broken Symmetry

Here are my views and answers  to the question I posted. 

Discussion Questions:  

1. Why does Dr. Donavan send Blaire and Damian on a wild goose chase through the mirror?  

This is a difficult one to answer and I'm not sure I can answer it myself. I think maybe Charles got crossover sickness and was not thinking straight or he was just trying to hide the source mirror and not let them find it but why would he leave them clues and messages. 

2. Was there any kind of hints that would reveal the true ending?  
There were not that many signs the first of course was her father coming back and telling her she was the one that was missing. Also Charles  saying she was the only thing that did not belong. 

3. Could a person really Break Symmetry and go through a mirror?  
I'm not too familiar with the science behind this but when people have more chromosome than they are suppose to they get disease like Down Syndrome. I don't think having these extra genes is the only thing a person needs to be able to walk through a mirror.

4. What is the hardest thing for Blaire had to do? I think the hardest thing Blaire had to do was watch Damian die and carry his body out to the source mirror. Also she had trouble understanding Famian's detachment to the reflections killing them without remorse.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Anna an alien and doesn't know it what will happen to her on Earth

This is a sci-fi / paranormal type of story. Hope you enjoy it and please feel free to post comments.

Anna has a lot of questions, should she pursue her desire to leave home for college and live out her dream of becoming a physicist? Or should she stay home and help care for her family, which has struggled ever since her father died in Afghanistan? Is her crush, Steve, really interested in her, or is he only using the highly intelligent Anna to try and boost his grades in school? 

These questions, plus the ordinary trials and tribulations of high school, divert Anna from noticing some very strange things that are beginning to happen to her. For as long as Anna can remember, she has had a random smattering of freckles on her arm. But these freckles are starting to change, and cause a series of scary hallucinations and odd side effects that only Anna seems to notice. When a strange shadow man starts to haunt her nights, she decides to go on a hunt for the truth to discover, once and for all, what is happening to her.

The hallucinations continue growing stronger, and each visit by the shadow man appears to become more threatening. Eventually, Anna realizes that she can no longer hide from her friends and family what is happening to her. But as she shares her secret with those closest to her, Anna never imagines that her very life, and the lives of those she loves, will be put in jeopardy.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Blaire is the one thing that does not belong

This book is in the paranormal realm. I'm also planning on trying something new at the end of the post I will ask or give out 3-5 discussion or insight questions about the book to get you thinking about things. I'm not sure if I will post my thoughts or answers to the questions yet or leave it up to you. If I do give my answers it will be about 5 days after the post gets published. Of course like always spoilers are a given.

Sixteen-year-old Blaire Adams can walk through mirrors. It is called breaking symmetry. She can reach through mirrors; grab things and even step inside. Eleven months after her father vanished without a trace, he's found wandering outside The Scripps Research Institute vomiting blood and speaking gibberish, his only possession a diary filled with an unrecognizable language. He has a message for her. As he dies in her arms, he claims he never vanished, but she vanished. 

On the other side of the mirror, she lives every teenager’s fantasy: a universe all her own, zero consequences. When finished, she just steps back into reality and smashes the mirror and in an instant erases every stupid thing she did. Gone. It never happened. In a nearby military quarantine zone, scientists are being called in from around the world to sequence a previously unknown strain of DNA. When her father’s autopsy reveals a rare chromosomal disorder, she inherited Blaire begins to suspect her father’s last words weren’t induced by amnesia. 

Like her dad, she has an additional set of instructions in her genes instructions for what, doctors can’t say. Only one thing is certain: it’s what killed him, and it will kill her too. Now she’s haunted by nightmares. The only clue she has is a lasting feeling of déjà vu. That, and the nagging suspicion that all she knows is a mirage. She is certain of two things though it may mean confiding in the wrong side of good and evil, he has the answers she needs. But breaking symmetry is also dangerous. First, there’s the drug-like rush she gets when passing through the glass, like a shot of adrenaline. She suspects it’s degrading her body, making a new copy of her each time a reflection of a reflection, each one a little hazier. Then, of course, there’s the risk of getting cut off from reality.

When trapped in a broken reflection, she must flee through a mind-bending maze of mirrors, going deeper into the nightmare as she struggles to grasp a betrayal, uncover the chilling truth about her ability, and somehow find a way out of a dead-end universe that “never happened.” Somehow, she must find a way home.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Weathering Evan wether or not you should read this book.

Hi don't know why this one got unpublished and I had to do it again sorry if you already read it.

Sorry, everyone, that I have been gone for so many months I did not feel like writing and was trying to find a job and being a bit lazy too. I have read many books since I last posted and plan to write many posts. I hope you will enjoy them. I encourage you all to make book suggestions to me so I know what you all want to hear about. So I thought I start with a book that I did not like. Also, I plan to write another post for my fairytale blog at 

Tammy Janeway is having some issues. Evan Knightly is at the root of all of them. Of course, it’s not his fault that she has a massive crush on him. But she can’t even be sure he deserves her adoration. One minute he’s undeniably sweet and charming, the next he acts like a creep.

Tammy is tired of feeling like a nervous teenager in her professional life. She knows she’s making a fool of herself in front of the co-worker who is already dating Evan. She knows she can’t stop thinking about him and she knows she wants to. But the one thing she doesn’t know just might be the key to finding a fresh start.

So this book peak my interest first of course the cute title and when you read the book you get the double meaning of it by that Evan and Tammy talk about the weather with each other. My main reason for picking this book is the main character Tammy Janeway just happens to have my real last name. This book was very boring and not just because Tammy's job is confusing and very boring she is an import broker meaning she handles things being ship from one place to another dealing with customs and stuff but still totally not sure exactly what she does for a living. So very dull plus the characters are not all the excited or have any depth to them. Tammy's boss Lily seems a bit demanding like any normal boss and her direct co-workers are just too flat. Frank is a nice enough guy who helped Tammy learn the ropes of the business and Georgia is her friend and a bit too needed and chatty and I totally don't like what she did it the whole problem with the story. 

I mean come on a book that the first sentence is "Does it have a trapezoidal cross-section?" It got me lost in a minute because it sounded like math stuff and I hate math. I'm hoping the author did all the necessary research for this particular and peculiar job she gave her main characters. Anyway, the story is one dimensional no layers and no real conflict or climax and it ended so abruptly. So Tammy meets this new guy named Evan Knightly Georgia tells her all about him because she met him first at a Christmas party. 

The whole diabolical happens when Georgia lies to Tammy about dating Evan but after that first meeting Georgia never really talks about him to Tammy so she gets suspicious about this but never comes out directly and asks her about it. So Tammy and Evan run into each other every now and then when they deliver things to the customs office and they talk about the weather of course. It seems like it would build up to them going out on a date but that never happens. Evan asks Tammy out several times but she thinks he is dating Georgia so she turns him down but wonders why he is asking her out if he was with another girl but instead of being courageous and forthcoming asking him outright what his relationship is with Georgia Tammy just keeps her mouth shut. 

The whole situation just bugs me why can't people just ask the questions. Oh also Tammy is Catholic and every Sunday she attends this group called WOWS some single adult meetings and the leader Jo keeps trying to arrange dates with the ladies in the group for her two unmarried sons. Those meeting for me were the highlight of the book and I'm not catholic but there was not any real religiously parts in this book just woman at first at the meetings talking about what they think is the ideal guy and other stuff.  Also,  Tammy goes and visits her sister Rachel and her daughters at least once a month. 

So the kicker to this book is the ending where Georgia finally admits to Tammy that she lied about ever asking Evan on a date so the whole time Tammy was trying avoid and forget about her feelings toward Evan. So the book ends with Evan exchanging phone numbers and his last words were "You'll be home by 5:30?" Then Tammy goes to the farewell party for her boss and the last thing she says is thankyou to Georgia. I mean come on unless the author plans of making a sequel that a pretty lame way to end a very boring book. I mean the whole discussion suggestion questions at the end are interesting. I did not know Georgia's last name Cozen meant to deceive or trick that adds a new element into the whole story. Also, the whole stereotype about single groups reeking of desperation is something to ponder about. Plus I like the author's decision to answers a few of the discussion questions. I did not realize tell she mentioned that the ladies in the group had the names of the girls in Little Women. 

So for this book that at first seemed a bit boring, there were some hidden nuggets of interesting foreshadowing and literary knowledge. So this book was not totally predictable since I was not a 100 percent sure Tammy and Evan would get together. but the plot, characters, and the ending were a bit of a letdown. I did not see any major grammatical or spelling errors which are good cause I hate when books have a lot of misspelled words or font is off and words do not get separated properly. 

Until next time when I write a review of another book and trust me it won't be a month away.  


Hi all sorry I been gone for a while been trying fig out what to do with this blog. I have been trying to work on my book idea more but slow...