Monday, January 12, 2015

What you do when you wake up from a coma with no memory?

Float (The Chronicles of D.E.A.D. High Book 1) 

Roni O'Connell 

What if your only memory is of who you aren’t, not who you are? 17 yr old Rashelle Santos fights her way out of a coma to find she doesn't remember anything, except for her parents and dog. Brain damage, but Rashelle knows with absolute certainty that Shellie (her nickname) died at the bottom of Kaweah Lake, bequeathing her death memories to Rashelle. Rashelle leaps into a relationship with Shellie's boyfriend, Aiden Brody, because he stirs her feelings and fills the void within her.

As their relationship becomes serious, she questions whom he really loves. When threats appear in the form of notes stuffed into her locker and call in the night, Rashelle wonders if she can stay alive long enough to discover who wants her dead, because somewhere out there Shellie's attacker watches and waits to finish what he started. And what the hell, she wonders, is she deranged or could dead Shellie be lingering to keep her alive?

Rashelle wakes up for a coma and she has no memory of her life or the circumstances of her being drowned in the lake. She wakes up feeling like part of her is missing and she does not want to be called Shellie her nickname. Rashelle feels that she is not that girl. It is hard for her friends to understand that she has no memory of them and so many things are different about her. It drives one friend Sophia away.

Rashelle been in a coma for nine months and lost a lot of weight and has to repeat the 11th grade while her friends become Seniors. She gets home and is greeted by her dog O'Malley and sees Shellie pink room and hates it and does not like the clothes in the closet but they don't fit anyway. She tries to find something to connect her to Shellie's life. Everyone is surprised by her choices of clothes now not wanting name brands but vintage clothes.

She goes to the park and sees Aidren her suppose bf he tells her how much he missed her, but she confesses that she is not Shellie that his GF died in Kaweah Lake. He at first doesn't understand what she means but he doesn't care as long as he gets to spend time with her and will help her remember and they kiss just as an experiment. Rashelle is scared but she finds out she enjoys his kiss. Her first day at D.E.A.D Discipline and Excellence Achieve Distinction High School were okay but hard she had to drop her Advance guitar class and Spanish since she did not know how to do either. 

In the place, she took a horticultural class and study hall. Also, she got tired of having to explain to everyone about her not being Shellie and having none of her memories. She got in a fight with her friend Sophie because Rashelle told her she could not be on the cheerleading squad. Sophie told her it took a lot of convincing and a petition to keep her spot open. She was exhausted from her first day at school and then received a phone call from someone just breathing on the lie trying to scare her. It got even weirder when she noticed someone with the initial S stuck an Origami Crane in her locker stating a threat or a warning about her life being in danger. 

She went to a record store and noticed the guy working there named Noah and at first, she thought he was cute. She went out to a club with her friends and saw Noah was a member of the band and was staring at her. Rashelle fought with her friend Sophia that night about her dancing being more like sex and telling her Shellie wore an abstinence ring and Sophia leaves mad. One day Noah came on to her real strong and it creeped Rashelle out. Rashelle told her bf Aiden about the strange phone calls and the Origami Crane someone put in her locker with an S as a signature. They at first think Sophia put it there because all the kids in her class learned Origami in 6th grade, Then when Aiden actually saw one of the cranes he said the handwriting looks like Shellie's.

Rash Elle tells her parents about the calls and cranes and they get the police involved, but they think she is permitting them herself with is impossible since she writes with the opposite hand Shellie did. Rashelle looks up stuff about spirits and death and she finds information about a Soul Exchange and a Walk-In where one soul leaves the body after an accident. The first soul departs the body, the new soul enters.  In unconscious soul exchanges, the new soul can be very disoriented and discouraged while trying to integrate into the old soul's life. She is forced to see a shrink about her problems, but when Rash Elle tries to tell Dr. Leslie about the Soul Exchange, but she does not believe it saying she is writing the notes herself. Rashelle ends up walking out upset at the Dr. She gets so upset with her life she cuts off her hair and then gets it styled. 

She decided to paint her room and get rid of all the pink. Aiden agrees to come over but is late Rash Elle calls his house and his mom said he left. She runs out of the house knowing something is wrong and she finds him on the ground beat up hit in the back of the head and breaks his arm. Rashelle talks to the police about everything and they will look into what happened and who stalked Aiden outside her house. Of course, all kinds of Rumors start flying around school about what happened it Aiden. Seashells get more notes while she is staying home from school with Aiden.

They set a trap for the guy on Halloween and Rashelle decides she needs to go outside to help catch the guy, but he finds her she struggles against him and manages to kick him. The guys come out of hiding and there is a fight in the dark. He runs away being chased by Jon who gets injured in the process. They find the ski mask abandoned and hair inside. Aiden and Rashelle speculate who her attacker could be they think Jon could be since he has a crush on her and was at the lake that day, but that is not the case. Jon and Aiden talk and Jon goes over to see Rashelle. 

He confesses that he is in love with her and wants a chance to be her bf and ask her to kiss him they kiss, but Rashelle says she just wants to be friends and she loves Aiden. Aiden and Rashelle return to school and her friend Aimee had sex with Jon and claims he loves her. He says he never told her that and it was just sex not love. Rashelle tells him not to hurt Aimee but there are things about her so-called friend she doesn't know yet. She gets to review all the video footage from a school in front of her locker. She sees Sophia, Jon, and Caitlin in front of her locker laughing and talking. They also see Aiden put something in her locker so the detectives decide to talk to all the kids on video and hone in on Aiden as a suspect which is crazy cause he loves Rashelle and would never hurt her even if he feels guilty about having to leave her at the lake to go to work. 

Rashelle and her father have a run-in with the guy n his car and he calls the house leaving a threatening message. Sophia gets mad a Rashelle when she finds out she has to talk to the police and Sophia shoves her into the locker and says hope the guy kills her Rashelle punches the girl. Aimee wants to take Rashelle to VeloRecords, but she does not want to go in a cause that Noah guy hits on her and is rude. Jon tells Rashelle about his talk with the police that they think Shellie knew her attacker and they asked a lot of questions about Aiden. She finds out later the police have arrested him for stalking, raping, and attempting to kill her. They go tongue jail but she not allowed to see him and when her parents find out they forbid her from going there so she has to send notes to him through his brother, but Aiden never replays back. 

She goes to to the police saying they have arrested the wrong guy they tell her all the circumstantial evidence, but then they pull out a ring that was in his closet her abstinence ring. Aiden refuses to tell the police why he has the ring which would help his case but he did not want Rashelle to find out that he had a fight with Shellir that day and they broke up. She asked about the hair from the ski cap and the magically have lost that piece of evidence. She asked about the paint from the stalker's car saying it not Aiden's vehicle. 

Rashelle has an idea to send a crane note to Shellie asking for help and she gets a response while Aiden in jail so he could not be putting them in her locker. She decides to sleep and try to contact Shellie she talks to her but gets little information to help her. Rashelle drives home one night and gets a flat tire on a country road and her cellphone, not in her purse and it very foggy outside. A car just happens to drive toward her and the stalker who is in the car shocked her. It turns out Aimee and Noah know each other for over a year now. She runs away from the car not wanting to get into it how could her friend betray her like that. 

She is running but gets caught by Aimee but Rashelle gets away by breaking her nose. Noah gets her and he starts to choke Rashelle she sees Shellie and learns that she is her twin sister. They take her back to the lake and Aimee kicks her. Aimee tells her she did all this because she was afraid to lose Jon to Rashelle and he told her they made out. Noah saw Rashelle in her bikini that day and wanted her so they decided to help each other. She thought Jon took advantage of Aimee, but it was the other way around she used Jon and blames Rashelle for ruining their friendship since she thinks she went after Jon. Rashelle is just his friend she wants Aiden she tried to tell Aimee that but she does not believe her. Aimee leaves them at the lake for Noah to finish the job. 

She tries to sweet-talk him into not doing this he takes her onto a boat He toes her to a chair and takes her to the middle of lake. Then he gets ready to rape her, but she fights him she ends up puking all over him and gouges his eyes. She jumps into the lake. Then she realizes she never make it to the shore she creeps back onto the boat and runs at Noah with a fire extinguisher he falls into the water. She gets to land and calls the police. She talks to her mom about everything and asks why she was not told she was a twin. She said it was to hard think about. Yes, the charges for Aiden were dropped a d he is home but has not contacted Rashelle yet. So she goes to his house. He is a bit cold and distant toward her. He finally tells her about the fight at the lake. He says he felt guilty and afraid Rashelle would be mad at him in made up in the end. 

This story was about Love, betrayal, loyalty, and getting to the truth. Rashelle found out who her real friends were and the truth her parents hide she had to deal with a lot of hardship in this book. I really enjoyed it and was shocked and had no clue about her friend Aimee's involvement in Shellie's attack. 


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Hi all sorry I been gone for a while been trying fig out what to do with this blog. I have been trying to work on my book idea more but slow...