Thursday, April 9, 2015

Coming back

Hi all sorry I said I would be returning to writing the blog post and all in January and have not been back. I been working as a substitute teacher and have not had as much time to devote to the blog. We also just got a dog named Duchess at end of February and she been taking up some of my time. Here some pics of her.

Duchess in paper
Duchess on Towel

Duchess in crown shirt
Duchess in coat

Plus I have not felt the drive to do so I have been reading many interesting books I plan to start up again. Also, I thought of changing the format of my post cause I noticed I wrote a lot more of summarizing the books than giving my thought about it and actually reviewing the book. So I like yo ask you guys if you want to me switch the way I write my posts or keep it the same.
So comment with the number: 
1. if you want me to keep posts as is or 
2. Change style.

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Hi all sorry I been gone for a while been trying fig out what to do with this blog. I have been trying to work on my book idea more but slow...