Friday, May 29, 2020

Blog restart update

Its been a while since I posted to it and was going to start it up again and wondered if anyone would read it? This blog basically focuses on me reviewing books that I read since I read all the time. If anyone has book suggestions or types of content they want to see give me a comment. Thanks and stay safe and keep on social distancing and wearing those masks.

1 comment:

  1. Hi all I know it been awhile since my last post but as life happens things come up and i got distracted from my blog and my passion for writing waned.

    I know in the last few months everyone been struggling to stay sane being cooped up in our homes and social distancing. I have of course been still reading many books, but not been in mood to really write on my blogs. I did not have very many readers and not my comment on if anyone was enjoying my content so I got discourage and stopped. I will try to update both my blogs more. Not sure If they will both fully stay directed toward book reviews or change up to something else. It all depends on my readers and if any of you want something different. So comment and let me know.



Hi all sorry I been gone for a while been trying fig out what to do with this blog. I have been trying to work on my book idea more but slow...