Friday, June 5, 2020

The Game 3 Part Series

     Hi, all I been meaning to talk about these 3 books I read. They all have the same title "The Game" and funny enough they were all published in 2013. We as humans love to play and watch games and there are so very many out there to choose from.

    What is it about games that draw us in whether it be a video one, or board, or sports, or something else. We as humans thrive on competition and the ability to make and control some characters to escape reality. Now more than ever with COVID 19 and having to the social distance we rely on these kinds of things more than ever to past the time feel like we are living, but some games you don't want to play and are forced to anyway and they can turn deadly.

    I am going to review the books in order of when they were published. These books are similar and yet unique all dealing with some kind of game being played whether the participants want to or not. 

     The first one was published on March 11, 2013, written by Shane Scollins. 

     This book is a mystery/thriller about a girl forced to play a game that the whole world can is in reality TV. The Game (9780615783475): Shane Scollins: Books

    The second one published on September 12, 2013, written by A.J Carella. This book is romance suspense about two people are thrown together by fate and the boy has to save the girl from a mysterious man forcing her to play his game. The Game (The Game is Life Book 1) eBook: Schott ...

    The Third one published on December 24, 2013, written by Terry Schott. This story is about a boy whose life is played in virtual reality as a form of schooling and getting ranked. He and the other players do not know this until there life is over. 

The Game - Kindle edition by Carella, A.J.. Literature & Fiction ...

    If you all have any questions or comment leave them below hope to have the first blog post up the middle of next week but I do have to refresh and kinda reread each book. If you enjoy this blog like, subscribe and share it with your friends.

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Hi all sorry I been gone for a while been trying fig out what to do with this blog. I have been trying to work on my book idea more but slow...